SA Farm's journal

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
Aw, thanks, you guys 🥰 I’m slowly getting used to the idea that what I do is worthwhile. It probably just feels…less than what others do since I’m a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants type of artist 😂 I’ve never met a pattern that I wanted to learn how to read 😅

I finished the hooded cowl and had enough yarn left to make a few mug cozies.
That’s everything I made and the bits of yarn I still have leftover.
DS was kind enough to model it for me. A little crooked on his head since he was squirming, but it’s cute ☺️ It’s also super toasty and decently soft.

I don’t follow patterns when I build, either, so I’m happy the hay feeder I built my sheep is working out well so far.
A couple of pallets, some scraps of 2x2s and 2x4s, an old broken wheelbarrow, several feet of vinyl, a round bolt thingy, a few hinges and lots of screws and staples later I have a handy outdoor hay feeder that lifts open at the top with a dog leash. Baler twine would’ve worked too, but the leash lets me easily lock it open for windier days.
I made the roof of the little shed match since the vinyl was on sale and it needed a new roof anyway.
The only thing I would’ve liked to do differently is have no gap between the shed and the feeder and have a little more slant to the feeder roof. I have a set of steps on the other side of the fence, so I can climb up and push our future snow load off the top as needed.

I let them out to free range while I worked. I think they look good. I’m already far too excited and impatient for lambs and the girls are only just bred 😆 Can we just skip winter and go straight to lambing in March? No, that’s not how time works? Darn lol


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
The hooded cowl and cozies look so soft and smooshy - just want to hold them all and enjoy the softness. Love the colors too. One of my students is into spinning, weaving and knitting. She gave me some "tea towels" in different patterns that are wonderful.
Nice feeder too!! Love you don't follow patterns :) guessing that you cook the same way too!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I generally build according to what materials I have scrounged up. I’m a master woodworker of scrap and crap!
BUT!!!!! I’m planning a 70’x20’ 3 sided barn and I want it to look nice. AND I’m enlisting the help of a friend who was brought up in construction and was a contractor. He will help me set the poles and get it square. I have a vision in my head and will get my friend to help me draw it out and figure out what materials I will need.

You are so talented with your spinning and knitting. I stand in awe at your skills!

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
How has it been so long since I’ve been on here? I guess between holidays and life, it’s just been busy!
We just got back from a holiday in the tropics, so I’m trying to get myself back in the swing of things. It was a lovely vacation with DS, DH, and my sister. The weather couldn’t have been more perfect and I was finally adjusted to it by the time we were heading home 😂
Now to get adjusted back to the cold 🥶
It was the first vacation for DS since before he was born, and he was a champ! (Technically he went to Cuba when I was pregnant lol) I was so (pleasantly) surprised by all the compliments we got on his behaviour. He’s such a good kid. I know DH and I are doing our best, but it’s still so nice to hear positive feedback - even from strangers - maybe especially from strangers since they aren’t biased 😄

I’ll have to get recent pics of the animals soon. A cousin took care of them while we were away and all was well when we got back, so that’s excellent. Katana (red heeler) didn’t eat anyone at the kennel she was boarded at, so that was also good to hear. She’s on the fearful side of the behavioural spectrum, so I was a little concerned. She definitely would bite, I believe, if she felt threatened, but these guys know what they’re doing, so they took the time to make friends with her and she played well with others 👍

Foxy is looking big already, so I’m starting to worry she’s going to try to have a lot of lambs again. I’m starting to up her grain now and need to pick up some alfalfa pellets to mix in as I increase it. Next week I’m going to be playing musical sheep since I had them all together to keep it easy for my farm sitter. Dingo doesn’t need any grain at all (he’s almost as big around as Foxy - maybe bigger lol), Coy and Dobby don’t need more than a supplement bit, but I want Foxy and Doll to have more, so they’ll be separated as such. Dingo will be able to see Coy and Dobby, sniff, but not get too close to them or me so I can spend more chill time with the girls 💞

7 weeks to lambing :pop

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
It was a fabulous and much needed vacation for all of us. So glad we made it happen 💞

Got the pics of the girls! Moved Dingo the other day and am slowly upping the grain for the girls now.
^that is a very large and low belly she’s sporting almost 7 full weeks before she’s due :thCoy and Dobby are due the same time and are barely showing at all comparatively, but I really only expect twins at most from them.
As soon as I saw how big Foxy is already, I started giving her solo grain. So she gets the communal grain, then another bit just for her. She and Doll will be split off from the other two in another few weeks, so I’ll keep doing that until then. Gotta make sure she keeps her weight/nutrition levels up and I will get her on alfalfa pellets and multiple grain feedings a day the closer we get to her due date.
Shall we even try to guess how many she’s trying to grow in there this year? She tried for 4 last year and I swear she wasn’t this big this early…mind you, maybe that just means she’ll succeed in growing all 4, if that’s what she’s up to. Better start mentally preparing for bottle feeding (even if just supplemental). When she had triplets, I kept them topped up for her and that seemed to work well all around. I have everything I need (bottles, powdered colostrum, frozen milk from her from last year, etc), so it’ll be fine 😎