SA Farm's journal

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
Looks like we may be moving! (Still not confirmed.) DH had a phone interview and we should hear within the next week or two :fl
Sounds like they've got quite a few openings and really need some good, hard working, experienced guys, so DH should be a shoe-in.
We're starting to sell off all of our excess stock already. Keeping it down to the bare minimum to fill the orders we already have. But we took down the ads, so there shouldn't be many more. Also cancelled our own orders for birds, so things are moving right along already.
I'm thinking that even on the off chance that DH doesn't get this job, that moving and getting a job elsewhere and starting new and fresh still sounds awfully nice!
Chance and Gruff are up for sale as well as a bunch of chickens and the ducks. Down to just a very few breeding stock in everything else. If we move, my sister will take Clover and my Speckled Sussex chickens, so we'll probably only have the Ameraucanas, Granny and a kid or two depending on genders, the majority of the pets, and a few rabbits to take with us. Maybe a few turkeys, haven't decided on that yet. Depends on how much space I'll have...
Went from spring building/fencing lists to potential moving lists! :lol: :rolleyes:

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
I spent about 5 hours going through stuff today. Two full garbage bags (the big heavy duty ones) for donation and two for garbage, but the bedroom is now much better! Also doing a few loads of laundry, naturally :rolleyes:
DH and I decided that, even if we don't move, now is a good time to take the opportunity to go through and purge our belongings a bit!

We found a new home for the ducks, so I'm happy about that. A pet home with a nice big pond for them :D Also have someone coming out on the weekend possibly for Chance or some chickens or both, depending, so there's that to look forward to and be sad about at the same time!

I actually think I'll miss Clover the most, though I'm glad she'll be going to my sister, so I know she'll be well taken care of. She's just so adorable :love I was so looking forward to having adorable little Mini Manchas out of her next year! My bil will probably get her and Maple bred to a standard-sized buck this fall. He's not a fan of NDs, sadly.
Jan 25-15 (22).JPG Jan 25-15 (30).JPG Jan 25-15 (37).JPG

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
Chance and some chickens all went to a really good home today :)
I'll miss my sweet little girl though :(
My farm seems too empty now! All I have left outside now is a small flock of Speckled Sussex, my 3 remaining goats, Gandalf, and DH's beagle. Everybody else is either in my basement, at my parents, sold, or was lost to the dogs.
It's so strange!
I have incubating to look forward to and I'm hoping that 4 of the 6 rabbits in my basement are bred, so that's something. Granny should be due any day now. Her ligs are softening off and on and she's got a small hand-full of udder now.
Here are my Ams and EEs enjoying their home at my parents :) My blue/gold hen isn't in the pic, because she ran to meet me when she heard my voice :love
Jan 30-15 (21).jpg

Jan 30-15 (1).jpg

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
Well, we should know by Friday if DH got the job or not. He says, if not, he'll start applying to other shops in the area, so it seems like we will be moving regardless.
Anyway, super tired tonight. Been a long day! Heeler got me up randomly through the night and since I'm still on alert in case those stupid dogs come back, I got up each time! So sleep deprived and busy with going through stuff and cleaning house, then went to my parents with my sister and her family for tobogganing and whatnot.
I feel like I'm just rambling now, so here are some random pictures and I'm going to bed :p
Jan 30-15 (4).jpg Franny\'s buckling.JPG Cran and Jade.JPG
Jade and kits.JPG Mixed Turkey poult 2014.JPG