B&B Happy goats
Herd Master
He sure is a adorable looking baby, just makes me smell baby powder and want to hug him, so cuddly looking and happy 

That’s exactly my plan! I ended the hat with a very loose knot so I should be able to undo it and keep going easily.Haha, as he grows, just add another row!
Dingo (White ram) is 3/4 East Friesian 1/4 CharollaisWhat breed of sheep do you have?
haha you have a bunch of chicks coming. I wanted chicks and turkey poults for spring, but decided against it. I'll keep my 9 red sex links hens for now. I really, really want some Jubilee Orpingtons, but not now.
A very interesting mix indeedThat is an interesting mix. LOL With the ram being high percentage East Friesian, do you plan on keeping ewe lambs with possibility of milking them?
I may add to it later, but it does fit him well enough now.
Not at all! The animals are one or all of:Is it bad that I’ve caught spin fever and now, when I look at my sheep, all I see is yarn? This is not a pic of four sheep. It’s a pic of future yarn lol
I bought a goat type milking stand, with the idea of having my sheep at a comfortable level for me to trim feet, etc. Somebody forgot to tell them NOT to step off the edge! I've tried different things, but so far, nothing is fool proof. I've come to the conclusion that I need solid sides, taking off the side that I am working on. I would much rather have a tilt table, but those cost $$$ and I got my milk stand with ramp off craigslist for $200. It came with the sheep stanchion head, and I ordered the goat head that has the feeding trough on it. I have to block the front too, the wilder ones run off the end. The greedier ones eat while I trim feet. LOLA very interesting mix indeed, but a good beginner/starter flock, I think.
I am definitely interested in milking and any ewe lambs kept from Dingo will be trained to the stand. From what I understand, Romanovs and Jacobs can be good producers, but I figured adding some East Friesian could be beneficial anyway.
I totally would’ve tried milking Foxy last year if I hadn’t been so pregnant! Might’ve tried it anyway if DH had built me a stand. I had no problem training and milking my Nigerian Dwarf back in the day, so I should be able to swing it without too much trouble. I don’t expect to have a lot of milk or have it year-round or anything, but it would be nice to have some a few months a year...maybe try my hand at making cheese or something