SA Farm's journal

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
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Still no name for the puppy, thinking Koda or something like that...maybe Kiera...I don't know. Something will stick to her eventually :rolleyes:

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
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Well, it stuck. Meet Koda Dog :D Apparently Koda means 'friend' in Dakota Sioux. :love

Today this sweet little trouble-maker was following me around and finally went to sleep at my feet :love

So my Mom came out and did dishes while I tidied up and then she helped me take out the garbage. We played with the puppies, fed them, then after their nap, we took them back out to their momma.

Franny still hasn't kid yet. I keep checking those ligaments and they keep staying there. She must have been bred in October before we sold the buck, so she could kid anywhere from now until March 22 (that would be 155 days from the day he left, so it definitely should be before then!)

I can hardly wait! Come on, Franny! :tongue

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
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Well, Copper, my bronze/bourbon red aka red bronze turkey tom has been gobbling and displaying like crazy lately. Hopefully he does his job and my turkey eggs will be fertile once the hens start laying. This is my first year hatching out my own turkey's eggs. I've bought hatching eggs before, and have ordered poults, but this will be my first year with my own breeding stock, so I'm really excited about it and have high hopes! Don't let me down, turkeys! :fl
It's messy in there because the picture was taken just before I cleaned them out :oops:
Left to right it's Brass (Heritage Bronze), Mercury (Narragansett), and Copper (Red Bronze)

I've been thinking about everything that we need to get done this spring and the list is rather daunting!

As soon as the weather allows, my to-do list is as follows:
Put up another 3-4 feet high of chicken wire around the turkey pen.
Dig under about 2 feet of wire around the turkey pen.
Repair/replace chicken wire around the chicken and chick runs.
Turn 3/4 of the garden into a grow out pen. (I hate strongly dislike gardening)
Put up more/better fencing for the goats.
Buy or build an 8x8 shed.
Trade a couple of DHs old tools for a 4x4 shed that can be near enough to the house to have electricity run to it for the new chick/poult/duckling brooders.
Dig out the pond some more.
Finish building and reinforcing the pheasant run.
Hatch lots of babies, then decide which ones to sell and which ones to keep. :clap
Start the garden :tongue
Train Koda. :celebrate
I also have a bunch of housework to do. Our basement has been taken over to the point where we're starting to resemble hoarders :oops:
Come on Spring! Get here already! I have work to do! :D
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Pioneer Chicken

True BYH Addict
Jun 23, 2010
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Country of Texas
I've wanted turkeys for a while. We just don't have the land for it. Someday, I hope to and then I'm gonna get me a trio of Narragansetts! You be sure to post photos when you get those poults, you hear? ;):p I like your turkey names, BTW. Ugh, don't ask about my list...please. I've been neglecting my cleaning chores due to this cold winter; I have a big job ahead of me. :th:D

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
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Why won't my animals have babies already!?!:barnie
Still waiting on Franny to kid and I should have had cute little baby bunnies born yesterday. Bad momma is holding out on me. They must be waiting for me to go away or give up on them to have babies! Bad animals.
Good news is I'll be getting a couple dozen Barred Rock hatching eggs on Thursday. So excited to finally dust off my incubator and start hatching out cute little fluff-balls! I've been reading up on how to tell genders early on with them and it seems pretty straight forward. I was starting to get good at it while reading through, so I have high expectations for myself :rolleyes:We'll see how it goes anyway, I do have to admit I was getting a bit of a headache and was starting to get cross-eyed by the end of it!

In other news, the kids are growing up super fast! I'll be moving them outside just as soon as the weather allows for it! DH is going to be buying the fencing materials soon, so the goaties will love that! 200 feet of non-climb fencing just for the four of them! Spoiled goaties :p
Actually, it probably won't be just for them. Depending on how it goes with my turkeys, I may expand and get some purebreds rather than the mixed flock I have now. I would love to have some Royal Palms or a few Bourbon Reds :love
I've been doing a lot of switching to pures lately, actually. Planning to sell my Pygmy doe later this year and have just NDs. Sold off all my random mixed laying hens and got Speckled Sussex, now going to replace the EEs with BRs.
Poor mixed breeds just aren't as desirable to most people :(

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
Cleaned up the incubator today. I'll start it running Thursday morning to set eggs on Friday. :celebrate Saturday is the day we pick up our new buck! I'm so excited. :weee I've been trying to add some color to my goat-herd, but for some reason, they seem to really like to stick to black and roan. Hopefully next year or maybe, just maybe, Franny will have some colorful cuties! Her right side was bulging today, but her ligaments are still there. Patience, patience! :rolleyes: It shouldn't be long now :fl and it's going to be warming up later this week, so her holding out is actually a good thing right now. (Whatever I have to tell myself, right?) :p

Sunday I have some people coming out to hopefully pick out and put a deposit on a few puppies. I'm going to miss them when they go! They're growing up too fast and they're too adorable! I would keep them all if I could!
So glad I have Koda to keep! My little sweetheart! She was following me around today and she comes running when she hears me :love I don't think training her will be much of a challenge at this rate! Little darling :love

SA Farm

Herd Master
Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
Well, the incubator is cleaned up now. I also cleaned up my bird cage and moved the bunny out of it :hide
I lost my mind a few days ago (I blame the weather) and brought home a new baby....Budgie!
Meet Cheeki, the 10 week old budgie baby:

Yes, I am absolutely insane! No, I have absolutely no intention of stopping :ep
It's nice to have a buddy. Most of my animals are livestock, so it's fun having a little tiny bird pet to snuggle with and enjoy the chirping and adorableness! :love

Franny was looking a little more ready this morning. Ligaments are still there, but her stomach looks like it's dropped a bit, so I'm hoping she's getting closer. Stubborn doe. :caf

Nothing else new right now :idunno

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