Herd Master
For those that have been following our darling ewe Suzie who is 4 years old now and has never had a lamb...well...time to face the fact that she will never have a lamb and as much as we'd love to keep her just as a pet, that isn't practical. I would just keep her, but hubby is more practical and I know he is right. She has been with 3 different shots from the vet five days in a row and then in with the third ram (which is a proven ram) for 3 months...expected her to pregnant and lambing by July this isn't going to happen. She was a twin with a twin brother and I wonder if she could be a free martin? Don't know...but this is heart break for sure
We could never put her in OUR freezer ever, but a friend has been wanting an older sheep for his freezer since he finds our lambs too mild he bought her and that money will pay for feed this winter for the rest. Our wether born this past January will be going with her to the processor for our freezer, and of course he is a sweet gentle pretty fellow too
This part of having sheep we hate...but it is all part of it. Sorry to boo hoo on on here, but not many people understand just how hard this is...many of you do.
Will be setting the alarm early as they have to be there by 10 am and the round up, loading, goodbyes, crying and then the trip to another city for this. Not sure I'll sleep much anyway...may just go sit with them tonight and love them up...will miss them...Suzie has been our easiest going and sweetest sheep ever.
Boo Hoo Bonnie
We could never put her in OUR freezer ever, but a friend has been wanting an older sheep for his freezer since he finds our lambs too mild he bought her and that money will pay for feed this winter for the rest. Our wether born this past January will be going with her to the processor for our freezer, and of course he is a sweet gentle pretty fellow too
This part of having sheep we hate...but it is all part of it. Sorry to boo hoo on on here, but not many people understand just how hard this is...many of you do.
Will be setting the alarm early as they have to be there by 10 am and the round up, loading, goodbyes, crying and then the trip to another city for this. Not sure I'll sleep much anyway...may just go sit with them tonight and love them up...will miss them...Suzie has been our easiest going and sweetest sheep ever.
Boo Hoo Bonnie