SageHill Ranch Journal


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
You should use those photos to put together ads for your services and sheep. Calendars? Every little bit coming in helps.
Before TSHTF I had a photog biz. I shot dogs and bullriders. Ya' know like that movie where the kid says "I see dead people" ? Well, "I see photos" :lol: I also taught graphics here at the local college.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
The trips are doing well. All making small gains over their birth weight. Mama Ewe has a ton of milk. Even though she looks like she could be a cow (two tit cow at that), I decided to supplement the trips. It'll give them a bit of a boost - esp the ewes as the ram lamb is a chunk and well, a ram :duc :lol:. At lunch the ewe lambs took quickly to the bottle - so that tells me they were a bit hungry - an ounce worth each, the ram wasn't that quick (of course a ram ;)) but he sucked down an ounce as well. I double checked Mama Ewe and there's definitely milk and both teats are in working order.
I figure with the supplemental bottle they'll all get "personal" time and be more tame and easier to handle when they are bigger. Making me think that ~maybe I should do that with all lambs. Of course these are the last until the next time around. I'll have to stew on that.
Rain today so everyone is stuck in the barn. Oh the poor poor sheep. Had to shoo the big lot out while I cleaned the stall - OMG you'd have though I was torturing them - maaaaaaaaaaa maaaaaaaaaaaaa MAAAAAAAAAA -- let us IN !!
Too funny. Spoiled sheepies.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Graze out twice yesterday - Obi in the morning, and -- wait for it ---- Zo in the afternoon. I'm working toward using both dogs at the same time. That's the plan. Even though Zo has been great with the baby lambs at the barn I wasn't sure what he'd do when it came time to work. I've had good feelings about working him, but there was that niggling unknown. Lambs being lambs do silly and very unpredictable things. What would Zo do if they decided to have "lamb races"? Would he flank out? Would he line in? Would he give chase? and.... Could I stop him if he did.
I started with a little fetching work in the corral. He did great, nice calm and smooth flanks. OK -- out we went. The lambs did their silly lamb antics and ZO was almost the perfect dog. Never once did he lose his cool. I'll admit that his flanks (direction around the sheep - clockwise and counter clockwise) were not good. He'd take a flank but not finish it. More than likely some confusion between a flank and grazing. Obi has that down (as he should) where I can give him a flank and then tell him "graze" and he'll drop into a graze. He's got 3 years of real ranch work over Zo so there's that. Everything as it is, is to be expected and Zo's lack of total perfection is only due to me having Obi do most of the work.
Morning grazing with Obi -- lamb curiosity rules.............
So that's a stock stick! Let me see if it tastes like the other sticks.......

I like the glove - where's the milk?

Zo -- moving the flock out of the pasture and into the open.

This rock is kinda tasty

Purple flowers are always tasty

Try the yellow flowers, they're pretty good too

Posing for an Easter portrait....


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Zo is another Obi in waiting. The extra practice that Obi has had in real time work seems t be the only difference. Looks like you have two superstars. Do the girls work as well?
Of the girls
Lumen is 12 and has some arthritis in her back. When she was working she was a powerhouse. As such there was no take it easy time. Had to be on your game to work with her.
Ree is 6 she’s a fast one and can get the job done. Her style is more outrun and fetch rather than graze - though if I needed her to get a job done she can and has done it (like when Obi had a broken toe and a full leg cast - nightmare of a vet).
Twinnie is 2, not the sharpest crayon in the box and has no confidence. IE - she was in the barn to help put sheep away awhile back, she was in the aisle hanging out and one of the sheep bumped up against the stall door and she took off. I had to send Obi to get her.
So the workers are the boys and Ree.