I took today off instead of tomorrow. Hubby is home tonorrow. We had both planned for it off to get things done but this pleas more important. I really didn't get anything done. When we got back from the vet and she was a complete puddle I left her sleeping in the car while I vacuumed and swept to avoid stressing her out with the noise. Took care of the goats before I carried her in as well. :/ she's dropped another two pounds. She had been down there pounds last time.
I'm sorry about all of this, I know how much you were hoping that it was over. It really makes you wonder if the antibiotics were holding the seizures at bay. What a crazy roller coaster ride.
She only had that one seizure last night after her last Valium and we dis no have to give any other meds. She slept through and woke up and was super happy and excited to see me laying on the couch and woke me up. She gets that way when she's not fully there yet after her episodes . The cat was busy trying to get a mouse which kept me up most of the night..... :/ we are holding our breath that this continues to improve for sadie.... At this point sadly we are uncertain of how much time we have with her left.
So sorry that you have to deal with all this. I don't know if I'm getting senile, but I can't remember if you ever said what exactly the cause of all this is? Do you know or is everything still suspect?
Everything is still suspect. Sigh. I made it ten miles down the road before I got a call she'd had another one. So I came home. Of course it happens right before a weekend and holiday. It's been one hour now and she only had the one, not a double.