Samssimonsays: Blazing Acres journal


Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
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somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota
Well if it's just a breed thing I guess you can't do much about that then hey! Was just curious, glad to hear they've all had litters now, it must get so frustrating when they don't take, I don't think I could handle such a difficult breed! When I want babies I want babies now so they'd better have some haha

Sounds like you need a good rest after building a whole shed by yourself, no doubt the heat and humidity is draining on you as well!
Lol yeah... I was at my wits end with them earlier this spring :lol: now all of my does born last fall and winter are coming of age to start trying to breed them... sigh the one had her litter and is not being a mom so now I'm waiting while my good mom nests so I can Foster the babies to her litter and hopefully save them... frustrating first time moms. :barnie


Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
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somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota
Well, Here is the "shed" I built on Monday nightfrantically because my hay was done and I wasn't ready for it :lol: Not too shabby and it holds up to 22 bales!!! Whoo Hoo!!! I am going to have some very happy rabbit and goats now LOL.

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Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
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somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota
And yesterday, thanks to my water pump blowing on my way to work I was able to find some time to add on to my colony cage. Here is to 4 levels for my three super happy girls. Eadda and Opheillia will be added when they are old enough to join in several weeks yet. Will hopefully start my second colony with a couple of my older does as well in the coming weeks. Have to get their cage fully ready before adding them so they can escape eachother easily.

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Here is another veiw of the colony cage. I am still hopeful to add another grid in size outward making it 3x2x4 instead of 2x2x4 :clap
15 - 5.jpg


Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
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somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota
My doe, Georgia, who is known to start getting aggressive towardsher kits at around 4.5 weeks old (she killed her first litter of 6 babies at 4.5 weeks old and became agressive towards her second at 4 weeks 2 days old) FINALLY raised a litter past that! She made it to 7 weeks with her latest litter of 7 and I pulled her from them so as not to take any chances. This is a huge accomplishment for her and I for sure!


Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
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somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota
Well, it is nothing fancy by any means but I started a colony with a couple adults. 3 does and a buck actually. Funny story behind doe #3 being added to it actually....

She is in the top cage of my giant wooden, 3 level nesting cages and was in the process of taking a designated break before having another litter, her last litter is 11 weeks old and weaned at 7 weeks, I opened up the bottom nesting cage and used my playpen to fence around it along with a couple other gates for my buck and two does I desired to breed him to.... This morning, I found that doe #3 had managed to break the clasp on her cage and jumped down and into the colony.... So even though her father is the colony buck, I think that they will compliment each other nicely. I just hadn't wanted to breed a solid chestnut to a solid chestnut LOL. Everyone was happy and content this morning including the two bucks with whom I had left a doe each for in their cage with them last night as well. I am VERY tempted to ditch the cages all together aside from grow outs for rabbits I am selling and bucks and just make individual colonies for the does that will tolerate it. My two does were so content last night but they were also extremely laid back by nature.

I "hope" to have a cage with levels built for them as well.. I am highly debating taking one entire wall of my barn and making it leveled cages to be able to possibly start a couple colonies that way. I have enough does to do 5 colonies with 3 does per colony for 4 colonies, does permitting, and then my 5 Jr's in the last one. I will still have the cages on the other side for my Bucks, for sale rabbits and show rabbits before they get moved into the colonies if they are does.


Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota
Well, I have started breeding my does again. Due to the amazing genetic pairing Jazmine and Ruben had last time, I chose to pair them up again. She ended up rejecting all the babies from her own to the fosters and they have since all passed away :( and For whatever reason (probably time of year) my bucks have little to no either interest or stamina as they may try a little bit but lose interest pretty quickly... Not Nash though, that boy is a BUCK! always seems to get the job done and quickly! lol. So I bred him to Lilly, my not so good mom, and Georgia, my really good mom, to Charley my oldest boy out of my first pair of french lops. Charley is also in with Honey, Roxy and Evey at the moment but I just don't think he is doing anything as her is too laid back... Titan is with Frostie, Ruben with Jazmine and Theodore with Phoebe. Tonight I hope to put Poplar and Baby Blue along with Kat in with bucks as well. But we will see how that goes.

I am in the process of creating another cage for some of my Jr's to be in as well.