Amazon fulfilment or someone else? I think when it is "someone else" all bets are off. If I buy something from 'them' I always check the reviews of them as a vendor first.
I don't know... I signed up for prime when I ordered my meat slicer for the free shipping and 30 day trial. Lost track of time and the $107 charge for the first year just hit my CC. Needless to say I went and cancelled the script right away and they said they'd refund the $107 since I hadn't used any of their services. I figure if I need something "right now" I'll just go out and buy it directly. It may cost a few bucks more but I'd have paid that in shipping anyway. If I can't get it direct then I'll order it and if it takes 8 days for free shipping, then I wait 8 days. If it's that important that it arrive in less time than that, then I don't mind paying more for that to happen (rare). Just me...
There are enough free shipment options on Amazon that I can't justify Prime. If I need something fast I'll go to a brick and mortar to buy it to bring home.
Except that more and more one can't find what they need at a "brick and mortar". Bad downward spiral. B&M doesn't carry 'x' and while on the web to buy it you find something else you want 'y' that the B&M would have but heck you are already ordering other stuff. Fewer people buy 'y' at the B&M so they stop carrying it.
The ways of shopping sure have changed! We also get the movies and things from Amazon Prime.... and I order off it way more since the pricing is astronomically different from here. Our Fleet farm carries the premier 1 electric net fencing and it is over $200. The same one on amazon is $123. I have prime and it has almost paid for itself. BUT, I also don't have the options of stores most do. We are super limited and in an area that most people do not get specialty items for their animals so finding something as simple as colostrum gel within 2+ hours is not possible. I bought all but 3 things for my kidding supplies and goat supplies online, mostly amazon but some is cheaper on premier1 or jeffers. It also saves me time as I only make it to our town 2 times a month and I don't have time to go the 30 minutes out of my way on my way home to pick some things up.
We didn't get much snow but might still? Not sure. Everyone is crabby because it got cold again. I haven't been home enough to know how they really are doing. I know they are all eagerly awaiting me when I get home for dinner and treats though.