Cleaning our basement today.... Four years of no storage and just accumulating has taken its toll..... We'd like a usable living space down there for ckmapny and my office area is burried down there.... Need to get my drafting table and just got a new desk and chair for down there.... The time has come. We are also getting a big standing freezer from my grandma and a day bed so we need to clean er out before fencing needs to start and outside work. I also need a place to start my gardens seeds.
I have four boxes of garbage. Big boxes. And none bitty one of "give away or sell" items. I got about half done. Lots to do still but hubby needs to get down there with me and deal with his things. I have basically dine as much as I can on my things until that happens so I feel good. I'll be bringing down the new desk, hauling broken dresser to the burn pile and standing the shelf up on its end vs it's side to make more room.