Samssimonsays: Blazing Acres journal


Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
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somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota
Over the moon is too close to be lol! Just went out and milked her. :ep:th my.... Hands.... They have forgotten milking.... And have never seen such capacity :lol: of course she managed to cut her teat on something last night. I have no idea what as there's nothing in her stall to do so on. :rolleyes: this may be the start to an interesting adventure with this one. The difference is..... Out of this world on the milking routine! She will stand with a grain bucket in front of her and munch. No hobbles (scarlet) no leash and no fighting. I'll be doing a full check out tonight of her and getting fecal sample to the vet. But in the mean time she is enjoying her really nice hay and alfalfa pellets. She's getting minimal grain as we transition her over but it sounded like they used nearly an identical grain. She was not thrilled when I left her. She's very loving. :clap


Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota
So, something very amazing happened today. More than when I opened up "Sissy's" papers and found her SG certificate. The photo of the two of us with just our faces I had post to Instagram and I got a comment on it by a Farm I follow here in Minnesota. I had actually JUST contacted them to see if they still had Nubians and they do not. The comment read that they thought she was born on their farm. I thought there is no way... But sure enough, she was! She sent me photos of her as a baby and as a young doe and OH MY GOODNESS!

(Photos are courtesy of original farm who has given me permission to share them and use them on my website under her name)

I hope to get some decent udder pics of her in the coming week. But I suspect once she gets some weight on her she will be giving more than she already is...:ep

Until then, I hope these will hold all you picture fiends over :gig


Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota
No udder pics?! :plbb
It looks like the triplets favored a side as when she came in last night she was very lopsided. I did get a couple pictures of it. but it doesn't look too fancy right now. I am going to focus on getting her body score back up before being concerned with her udder. She had it once, I am not concerned... But I think lack of maintenance on it has caused it to lose its condition. Her hooves are bad as well like I said in an earlier post but we have already had them trimmed and will be working diligently to correct them. It is going to take a long time but she is worth it. Every animal is worth them being comfortable.

She has much smaller Orifices than Scarlet but not much different than Mays. She Milked like a dream last night! she has a nice flow, steady stream, HUGE teats. She is still a little sketched out being so new so I got her milked almost out and got close to a gallon. I attribute this to the stress of moving and her BCS being about a 2-4 depending on what chart you use..... I have found several that only go to a 4 or 5 with pictures, those are a 2. The ones that explain and go up to a 9, that is a 4... :idunno

We are taking things a little quicker than I wanted as her condition is so low that I fear what will happen if we don't act fast. She is getting free choice of good hay, alfalfa pellets and cubes and then she is getting 3-4 small servings of feed that I am already increasing waiting on the fecal before I dose her to know her load and what she has.

Do you have her G6S results?

We will be submitting for that when we send out for CAE, CL and Johnes, even though she was tested clean for all of the above I will be testing myself to ensure.


Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota
It's been an exhausting battle with this one the past few days.... But I believe we've managed to get some weight on her! But enjoy pics of all the goats. I shattered my phone screen and had to get a new one. I'm none too disappointed in the camera!

That udder is half full because she has been a pill to milk. We are working through it. But man am i tired.....