Thank you so much! I am in love! all are lovers and super beautiful show rabbits usually they need a lot of work to tame them down! We welcomed another litter of frenchies from my doe whom I tried for 8 months to get a litter from.
The babies I have right now in the nest boxes are young enough that their colors could be 1 of two for each baby.... all babies black with white bellies are either Chinchilla or Chestnut. Babies solid black can be either silver or gold tipped steels or solid blacks, I have one who is either blue or blue steel, then a couple brokens either broken blue, blue steel, opal or blue chinchilla out there. I have the chance for blues, fawns, blacks, chestnut, chinchilla, orange, frosted pearl, rew, and just about any color really with the mix I have due today.
Yes it is so much fun! I sold one blue, my black, broken fawn and rew . to bring in new lines and better type. One boy to replace two and three does to replace 2.... hahhaa. I love my variety and rainbows. But I want type not just color so it tends to take a bit longer to find what I am looking for. eventually I find them! I will have 14 does and 5 bucks instead of 13 does 6 bucks. It gives me a variety in bucks as well as does. Hopefully my newest members will help me work towards a stronger show quality than last years which I was very pleased with .
Do you attend many rabbit shows each year? Currently the kids only show at the fair for 4-H and we are learning to spin the FA fiber-its been very slow going!
Do you attend many rabbit shows each year? Currently the kids only show at the fair for 4-H and we are learning to spin the FA fiber-its been very slow going!
I try to. Usually I will attend one in March, one in April, then there is a two dayer for Memorial weekend, June is my towns, July there is one we sometimes skip, August is our fair that I attend usually as well as another one early on. September is 2 and october is a couple too including our MN state show which is two days. Then we are done for the year. We have to travel 4 hours for most sometimes more. This last one I did was 8 hours one way LOL. that was rough....