Samssimonsays: Blazing Acres journal


Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
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somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota
Those are not spoiled goats at all! Very cute.
Not at all :lol: We brought them out to the barn for the first time since their first week of life and it was soooo damp and misty that they got chilled and were shivering so back to the house they came :barnie. SOON THEY WILL BE IN THE BARN! They found their voices last night.... o_O

It won't allow me to upload photos again so I guess verbally I will have to explain it. Ellie met them for the first official time and dislikes them. she is not happy in the slightest that they were in the barn. Sigh. Now SHE is the spoiled one. :duc


Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota


Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota
We placed KitKat with our does just about 2 weeks ago. We lost our other buck so in order for him to have company and a warm body during our frigid temps he is just living with the three breeding ladies. Since Cece surprised us with babies WAY out of season she unfortunately will now be bred until next fall for spring 2019 kids along with Ellie who is too young for 2018 kids. Even if she were to my standards for breeding I wouldn't feel comfortable in risking it. She is my babyloves even if she drives me batty and to want to drink a bottle of wine after some of our choring encounters :lol:

I am hoping that Scarlet will give us our very first papered Nubian kids and that Tilda and Olive will give us some cute little milkers with this boy as we chose his genetics VERY carefully. :fl (Tilda is half nubian half saanan while Olive is full Alpine)


Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota
Well, the boys turned 3 weeks old on friday. this week we hope to move them into the barn as soon as we fix the stall yet again to keep Ellie, the nightmare that never ends, in her stall! She is sooooooo fat right now... :hide I can't help but think it is because she helps herself too Cece's feed and hay and just destroys the entire hay bale every time she gets out. Which is EVERY DAY. She has also taken a liking to turning the lights on in the barn.... :smack:barnie:he Can you say "Bratty mcbraterson"? Because on top of that, she HITS with her hooves, she punches, she yells, she screams and she TANTRUMS if you so much as LOOK at anything but her... I tried REALLY Hard not to coddle her but it obviously didn't work :rolleyes: She's really not very bright either. She is a tub-o-lard and VERY well off for going into winter. Now if only we could take some of that and share it with Cece.

We will be transitioning the boys over to formula this week as Cece is dropping in production and to me, FED is the best and Cece's health is what matters to me. She was NOT in ideal breeding condition, hence why we didn't breed her but she had other ideas. Just when she started to hit her healthy body mass she got terribly ill with pneumonia and relapsed not once but twice and we almost lost her because along with the pneumonia came major parasite blooms each time that also took their toll. After losing all fat and muscle she had finally built up since bringing her home she delivered the quads and was off to a rough start from kidding. Although she still looks terrible, she IS improving and with her milk production dropping drastically over the last several days I can see she is improving faster now. I've lined up some goats milk for the next couple days while I transition them to the formula but for everyone's health this is best.

Oh yeah, and did I mention I HATE winter? Because I do. It stinks and I am not happy. About any of it. :duc:rant