Pastor Dave
Herd Master
It is! ONE day we will meet!
Is there any good places in the interior of the country to meet half way, like Topeka?

It is! ONE day we will meet!
Oh my goodness, that is the ug..... ug.....ahem.... I mean CUTEST thing I've ever seen! I need to get me one of those googly eyed critters! Are ya gonna breed him? If so I call dibs on his first kids,,,spawn,,,fry? What the heck do you call a baby goldfish?
This is so true. @Ferguson K and I WILL meet some dayYou girls may not remember the days of teachers and Sunday School workers providing pen pals for kids to learn of other locations. The world was bigger then. Almost no thought of meeting someone across the world or even the country, but the world is so small and connectable nowadays. I hope you two get a chance to meet up.