We brought home our new baby girl last night! Her name was Brooklyn, we are still trying to find the "perfect fit" for her though. She was a bottle baby with her twin sister and we are absolutely in love with her already. She is a full alpine.
Thanks ! I had picked out Mia, Annie, Ellie and so on but hubby brought up Olive and I REALLY like it So we will be calling her that for the time being to see if it fits. If not, we can change it. BUT it seems to fit. She is so petite and such an absolute doll.
Recently we have had a round of bloat hit my barn even with doing everything to prevent it in the babies who are between 8 and 9 weeks old now. I lost two of the babies suddenly to a case like nothing I had seen before. They became Cold and shivering almost as if they were in shock and they were unresponsive and stared blankly as well. Then soon before they passed away they bloated. I have had the enteritis caused bloat but never a case like this. Now I have one who is bloating like a balloon and going down hill fast on antibiotics and another who isn't doing well also on them. I am sooo frustrated!!! it has been 3 years since I have had bloat in my babies from the preventatives I use!!!
Thank you @frustratedearthmother I have a litter of 4 weeks olds and another 7 litters due this and next month. It worries me that this will get to them as well.
Yes. And 2 of the in separate cages from the rest. Only 2 of them were together. The two who went quickly and were cold were in different cages having never been with each other. Then a baby in the same cage as one had enteritis, and one on the other side of them is bloating up despite the antibiotics...