Her itching has subsided for the most part but I know that is the job of the prednizone. We have swithced her over to peanut butter for her treats and she's very happy about that. Lol.
My dogs LOVE peanut butter. Jif is the superior peanut butter, but I've switched over to the all natural no sugar added stuff. It's just not the same. Even the dogs agree.
We had a seizure night with sadie. Four in ten minutes and one more five hours after the Valium was given so we gave her her morning dose 1.5 hours early and she seems ok.... We are home to watch her today tho. I asked the vet if it could be caused from the food switch and she is doubtful and leaning towards more so caused by the steroids she's on. Sigh. Praying this one will have been a mild cluster.