Update on everyone! Fire unfortunately didn't except him. At one point I thought she was fine with him and I left him with her overnight. I went out in the morning to find fire hitting him into the wall, for a moment I thought he had been killed, I was so scared but realized he was still trying to run so I immediately took him back into the garage. He wouldn't stand or eat and I thought we would loose him by the end of the day. 5 hours after I took him back int the garage he was standing and eating! He still has a little bit of a limp, but I think he should be fine.
Here are some update pictures of the other girls from this morning
Bumble Bee. She is at day 103 today. Day 150 is in 47 days
Poor girl is huge and shedding like crazy right now!
Next is Mary Lou, She is at day 92. She will be at day 147 in 55
Last is anime she is at day 79. Her 150 day is in 71 days.
Not much going on with her yet, other than her belly and udder has gotten a little bigger over the last week.
I haven't been on BYH for a little while and I just remember I had t his thread and thought I would update it. We have 2 weeks left till hopefully, BB is due. We have 23 days till Mary Loos 150 due date. I have a feeling she will go closer to her 145 due date and that would be in 18 days. Next, we have anime who should have 41 days left. I guess I got her breeding date wrong she was in with the buck from March 5-6th. She had what I now believe was an abortion about 2 months ago. She had a thin 3-inch strand of red goo. I didn't think much of it at the time. She isn't showing much that she is bred. What do you think? I was told her mom didn't bag up until right before, but I don't think that same thing would happen to her too. At this point, I am thinking she is not bred.
Warning picture overload!
This was bb about 1.5 weeks ago
This was her today. I am thinking single, maybe twins. She has a rough coat, I have no idea what is causing it! She gets free choice loose minerals but I have never seen her eat any.
Mary Loo about 1.5 weeks ago
Mary Loo today. I am thinking she is gonna have twins.
Anime almost a month ago.
Anime today.
Here are some unrelated pics
Got this pretty girl about a month ago she is about 4 almost 5 months old now.
Here is blue jay he is doing great! He is taking almost 18 oz per feeding. He looks a bit thin in the picture but that pic was taken just before I fed him. I am pretty sure I found out why fire wouldn't take him, she had staph infection I found out about 4 days after when I was milking her.I ran to the store and got some chlorhexidine. I treated her for 2 weeks and she is much better now! Sadly she still wouldn't take blue jay so he is still a bottle baby.