
Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Thankful for all of y'all!! is very difficult to function without power....even tho there are ways to "make do" it is never easy....especially when the water flow is reliant on power. The temps and weather conditions makes it even that more challenging. Surely am glad that all are okay and another crisis averted and overcome. Y'all have really been under the gun this whole year and hope the patterns change some so ya can catch your breath this next year and have a wonderfully productive kidding season.....:)

Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
Thank you both :)

@Fred- I had cleaned and filled our stock tanks before the power went out, so thankful I did!

I took some pics, I'll have to go through them later. I forgot to mention we had some trees down, this is the worst one. Thankfully the fence is holding up and animals are staying put for now.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Ugh. Does your snow go away after a few days like ours does? Or does it hang around and make you sick and tired of it?

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Sun was out and temps up so it was starting to melt. Very cold tonight so everything will freeze again.

We have 2 does leaving. Both are lamanchas, both bred. One person we met at some shows so we feel very comfortable selling the family a bred doe. I believe they will be showing the doe in showmanship. She is a great showmanship doe! Bred to black Tie Affair so the kids will be really nice. The other doe is going to a farm that has mostly their whole herd from us. They are not looking to show but will improve with breeding etc because in a few years they will show as the children get older. All the kids have a doe (from us) except one, so he gets his own special doe now too. It's funny, they started with Nigerians, grew to love the minis and now all the children each have their own Lamancha! LOL They say they are so much easier to handle and work with.

Trying to plan our kidding schedule and who will have kids for sale and who we plan on retaining from. Of course you don't know til they kid but having a plan is never a bad thing.
It will be so hard as I love Zephyr and really would keep every doe from her but I will have to sell all her kids this year to make room for the few minis and the Nigerians we keep. I know I will be keeping any does out of Raina (pending DNA) and Tiffany, and one doe out of Mariah. So that is my max for Lamancha does to keep.
One of the minis I bred has gone back into heat several times so I am just leaving her til next year. She is kid born this year anyway so that is fine.
We need a buck out of either Charlotte or Prynne, doesn't matter but we need A BUCK! LOL Also hoping for a buck out of Lil Princess- but her udder will determine if I keep one or not. If not 100% stellar then I will keep a doe because George was the sire so there will be improvement on udder.

This is my schedule so far- LAMANCHAS
Capture.PNG Lamancha 2019 Breeding Line up.PNG

Capture.PNG Miniature Lamancha 2019 Breeding Line up.PNG

We got our latest milk test results. Overall I am happy considering the year we have had. :)
Next test will be 305 for a bunch of the does so they will be dried off after that. The June does may or may not stay on, we are undecided. They are all bred and really don't want to milk a bunch of does. We are keeping Trouble in milk (she kidded in June) because she is not being bred this year and will milk through. We will need her milk when kidding comes if we have large litters. Trouble will meet all her requirements for the MDGA milkstar this month. It will be interesting to see what she does at 305days. Bingo made her requirements as well. Those are our first 2 minis on test and both starred.

Some fun pics of the dogs in the snow
Rita was playing will D

Old man D
Storm December 2018 (6).JPG

Storm December 2018 (7).JPG

Blue - not happy that Rita and D are playing too close to his fence. Blue is over alert if there is such a thing. He is never not with his does. Pete's presence is missed.
Storm December 2018 (5).JPG

Just because it was pretty! :)
Storm December 2018 (8).JPG

Before the storm-
Pretty, sweet Leah with fall foliage. :)
Storm December 2018 (2).JPG

Blue, he never leaves their side. He is tired in this pic. :(
Storm December 2018 (1).JPG

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Still covered in snow here.
Was blessed by GW and went to Trans Siberian Orchestra Wed night. It was awesome!

Really trying to figure out who to keep in milk. Trouble neeeds to stay in milk but really weighing some of the others. Everyone wants a break and kidding is 2 months away.

Today is the anniversary of the loss of Callie. :hit