Hens and Roos
Herd Master
That's great 

Faster to hand milk and the clean up would NEVER save you time.WOW... Wrist saver extraordinaire!Hope it works out better than anticipated! I'm only milking one (right now) and have seriously considered the cost of a machine... But then I'm lazy
I can take the wildest goat in the herd and put a bucket of grain in front of them and slap that inflations on and they don't seem to care one bit. They will let me wash the udder, but heaven forbid if I try to hand milk them. They jump, fuss, and carry on something fierce.
You know that you can change the speed on the pulsator? I have a few does that have big teats and they fill slowly in between each squeeze and if I milk too fast they don't fill and it takes FOREVER to milk them out.
so where did you get the milker from?