Well at least I would be going into it with both eyes open and no rosy tinted glasses. It's just sad that the calves are so expendable. The guy I bought my dairy processing trailer from raises jerseys and he sells the bull calves for about $5. He would probably give me one and he does make sure that they get colostrum but they are also dairy so more chance of Johne's. I have not asked him if he test.
babsbag- Is this calf raising an effort to make money? It seems like you are taking a big risk. People I've known have found this kind of thing not to be very profitable- too much money goes into the calf care and the sale price doesn't amount to much. Have you run the numbers for costs and return? And then the problems that you may incur for your other ventures?
No, the calf raising would be for fun. I have always wanted to raise one. The guy I buy my hay from says that they sell at market auction for 300-400 at about 4 months. No idea on cost.
We are in the countdown and I am getting so excited!
The hormonal goats are terrible. We have never had goats behave so badly, EVER! Having to separate some. Goodness they are grouchy!
Rain hasn't helped either.
We have also noticed goats out feeding off the round bale in the middle of the night.
They have hay in the barn at night, so it is weird they go out.
Thankful for the LGD's. No worries with them out there.