Bayleaf Meadows

True BYH Addict
Mar 30, 2017
Reaction score
What show are they at? I notice you didn't mention the rain and mud...

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
What show are they at? I notice you didn't mention the rain and mud...
LOL the mud is here!

The show was at the New River Valley Fair in Dublin VA.
It was a scramble. We had originally decided to take 10 goats. 5 Srs & 5 Juniors but we had gotten a message asking if we could bring any extra Lamancha milkers as the Judge in ring 2 had lots of family and they were concerned that there may not be adequate numbers for sanction in 2. Ring 1 would be fine. So this is Sat night. Sun I scramble to finish clipping, they were loading we had people coming to the farm. I wasn't going to clip the extra 2 does but last minute I just had to clip Charlotte- too pretty not to. Zephyr I left. We ended up not taking a nubian kid we had planned on. Somehow we managed to get 12 goats in the van with all our stuff and hay etc. Thankfully 15 passenger vans are big! :)
We ended up taking 6 Srs and 6 juniors.

We are very pleased with the outcome.
Every show is a bit different and you learn about the judges as you go along. Some judges are not tolerant of juniors misbehaving and you won't get another look, some judges get it and go with it and laugh. Some judges want skinny as a rail goats (they are called "sharp" or "very dairy" lol) others like some fleshing. Some you can't figure out anything lol. Some are super serious, some laugh and are more lighthearted. Always interesting. :) You learn through it though.
We learned to bring our official Measure Stick. :);):D:mad:

DD was first place in showmanship (intermediate)- this was funny. The judge will "test" the handler sometimes by pointing them to the back of the line just to see how they respond when they think they will be last. So... DD was tested. :p:D She was eventually placed first.:D The discussion at home went like this... "well, I thought to my self (when he pointed her back to the end) I may not be the best but I love my goat and I love showing Tiffany so whatever, it doesn't matter... but I didn't think I was the worst out there." :lol: Love that kid!

Tiffany got her 2nd unrestricted leg. She is a FF 2YO She would be a Champion pending if last year they weren't short 1 goat and her restricted leg had counted. :( That's ok. It is what it is.
Lil Lemon Drop - it was her first show and she went GCH in ring one. WE always scratch for any rings after because it just doesn't make sense. Give another goat a leg... the down side is every time we have done this the goat that goes GCH in the next ring ends up JRBIS. :hit like really.:th

I can say I now understand why so many breeders really focus one 1 breed. Managing so many breeds is truly managing so many herds.

Here are our results-

We are very happy with our placings and we are encouraged in our young breeding program by the the consistent placings.

Judges: Ring 1 : Todd Biddle Ring 2: Jean Lucas

Recorded Grade-

(Sr- 2yo FF) Wings & Caprines CM Tiffany- 1st Place x 2 & GCH (under Judge Todd Biddle)

(Jr- Senior Kid) Wings & Caprines Choc Mousse- 1st Place / 4th Place


(Sr- 2YO) Wings & Caprines CharloteBronte' - 1st Place/ 2nd Place
(Sr- 2YO) Ripples Rhapsody Spring Reign - 2nd Place / 1st Place
(Sr- 4YO) Worley Lane Zephyr 1st by default x2- only 4yo in show :(
(Sr- aged does 5+) Candlelight JRMY Mariah- 2x 3rd Place

(Jr- Sr kid) Wings & Caprines BTAZ Poppy 3rd place / 1st Place
(Jr- Int kid) Wings & Caprines BTAR Trudy 2nd Place / 1st Place

Dam/Daughter- 1st Place

Best 3 Sr Does- 1st Place

Nigerian Dwarf-

(Sr- 2YO) Wings & Caprines CarolinaGirl- 2x 2nd place

(Jr- Sr kid) Wings & Caprines IL Lemon Drop- 1st place GCH (scratched for ring 2)
(Jr- Int Kid) Wings & Caprines LJR Paris- 1st Place x2
(Jr- Int Kid) Wings & Caprines LJR Berlin- 2nd Place / 4th Place

Breeders Trio- 1st Place

Didn't get many pics. DH was exhausted and ended up falling asleep in the tent. Good thing too! They got home after midnight.

Wings & Caprines Tiffany GCH NRV Show - Copy - Copy.JPG

Wings & Caprines Lemon Drop GCH NRV Fair 2 - Copy.JPG

Wings & Caprines Carolina Girl 2nd place 2x NRV - Copy.JPG

Carolina Girl's udder
Wings & Caprines Carolina Girl NRV 2nd place 2x (1).JPG

Nice fill but no overfill. There were some Nigerians so uddered up they were leaking milk everywhere. grrr
Wings & Caprines Carolina Girl NRV 2nd place 2x (2).JPG

Wings & Caprines Show Wins NRV Fair 2018 - Copy.JPG

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Congratulations!!! I love CarolinaGirl. :love

Make sure you have your measuring stick at LA, too. Sometimes appraisers can measure at an angle, not straight up and down, giving a taller height than the goat actually is. ;)

Thanks, we do too. :p We repeated the breeding that produced her. Lil Joe and Ruth- Paris and Berlin kids :love:love:love:love Judges commented on their high and wide escutcheons and their feet and legs. Always nice to hear. I think the body styles blend well.
Ruth will be bred to Keigh as well as every Nigie here. :lol:
Foxy freshened this year and LIL Joe was her sire too... her udder is looking much like Ruth's.

Thanks for the heads up. I thought the judges were responsible for having the appropriate "measuring device" . I am pretty sure a measuring tape isn't an "appropriate measuring device".

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Trying to convince @Goat Whisperer to not sell Carolina Girls buckling. Both does are now being kept and will be shown.
She is going to list him. She had him up as a BB. He is weaned now.

I think she should keep him. Ruth's udder is great, CG is great why not wait and see how his sisters turn out? I mean come on... it's a Nigerian. And we lost lil' joe so... oh, and Clovers yearling buck was sold so....