
Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Very glad that Pete is recovering. It has got to be a huge relief for you even though he is on the "restricted" list. Good luck at the show.
We had over 2 inches of rain last wed-thurs.... it finally cleared out Friday, but it is just soup after all that rain thurs night. I don't know if we will ever get things cleaned out, or any more hay made. Was going to cut tomorrow (sunday) but now it is 40% on tuesday. Might be better after tues for about 4-6 days. We just need 2 weeks of sun and NO PRECIP. Not asking for a miracle, just please redirect it to some others that need it.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Not asking for a miracle, just please redirect it to some others that need it.
If only! The guy we buy our corn from weekly at the Farmer's Market ran out before last week. Prior years he's succession planted and had corn until the market shut down at the end of October. No rain, no planting. I don't think he has the facilities to irrigate the corn and most years it is totally unnecessary so not worth the expense of creating that ability. Said he's never had a year near as bad as this one.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
If only! The guy we buy our corn from weekly at the Farmer's Market ran out before last week. Prior years he's succession planted and had corn until the market shut down at the end of October. No rain, no planting. I don't think he has the facilities to irrigate the corn and most years it is totally unnecessary so not worth the expense of creating that ability. Said he's never had a year near as bad as this one.
I planted corn this year and had a nice stand. I watered the heck out of it to get a half dozen bags of cream corn. :rolleyes:We caught sweet corn marked down to ten cents an ear at Walmart a couple of times and I was able to put plenty in the freezer. Our highest water bill was $125 :th It brings to mind that Forrest Gump quote from his mother, "Stupid is as stupid does."

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
I am so happy for you and Pete. I had to smile at a memory when you said Pete spit out the pill. I had a command for Parker to take pills. It was the same command for treats. That command was ALLIGATOR! It made the vet laugh. I called it alligator because Parker's big jaws opened and snapped shut. I would get him all excited, "I have a PILL! Do you want a PILL? It is a delicious PILL! OK! Sit! Sit pretty! ……….ALLIGATOR!!! I'd toss the pill in the air and big jaws went SNAP! Pill gone. Dear Lord, I miss that boy.
That gave me the biggest smile!
Pete has always liked being pilled... yes, strange... but after all this, I think he will never want to be pilled again.

Instead of treating the udder for possible mastitis, have you ever used EXCENEL? There is no witholding for dairy cattle to be milked in the tank. I don't know if it is okay for goats, but have one registered farmer with one of the lowest cell counts, and he will use it on a cow that looks like she "might" be coming down with something in her milk. It's injectible...looks like penicillin but isn't. It does not show up on any of the antibiotic tests and is approved for lactating dairy cattle. Just a thought.

Thanks, we may ask our vet for some excenel. We have only had 1 case of mastitis and it was years ago on a Kiko. She kidded and 24 hours later ran a fever. Bluebag mastitis. In that case we put her down after a week. The temp could just never get under control. We also felt her being a meatgoat and Kikos having trips regularly... well not the best option. It was interesting because I think you mentioned this somewhere else... but in that case the kids had meconium ... they were fine but the vet mentioned she felt the kids had backwashed into the teat. I had never heard of that.
We have never had mastitis on a dairy doe. The test was slight trace. We bought some today but didn't use it. My vet wants the milk cultured, which I agree with just so much going on I wanted to have the today on hand if we noticed anything else. I am very hesitant to put anything up into the teat unless 100% necessary. It does have me concerned about drying her off though. We have never used anything before, do you think we should when we dry her off?

So... Pete is doing great! He so desperately wants back to his field. Kind of sad because he meeds weight and strength right now. So it's a no go.

Meanwhile we are clipping away to get the goats ready. After this show we will have another dozen to do. 24 goats going to State Fair! :th

So, a new thing for us.

None of our goats are screamers for heat. So where on earth did all our baby doelings get this from. It has been CRAZY! I was out at 2 am again trying to see if a goat was hurt... no... just screaming standing by the bucks. :rolleyes:
The Nubian doe we brought in is the worst! She needs a for sale sign around her neck! :p
This is going to be a nightmare because the next time they cycle will be at the state fair! :eek::eek::eek: Maybe the strange place and no bucks around will keep them calmer.

A few years back we sold a mini doe that we wanted to keep but long story we sold her. We also ended up selling a buck to the family to be bred to the doe we sold. They are F-1 minis.
So they have been such a blessing to us. Last year they gifted us a doe back. This year another doe. She is really pretty and looking really nice. She was born in March. F-2 50/50 Gopher ears.
It is so nice to have a goat come back from our goats... She carries their farm name but I don't care. We will probably breed her to Monopoly he is also an F-2 50/50 with gopher ears. Monopoly has blue eyes, which I am not a fan of but I can live with it. Their kids will be F-3 American Miniature Lamanchas.

Monopoly was not for sale but we have decided after he breeds his few does we are selling him. We have a deposit on him.
Funny because as we were giving the info I realized, hey he is a nice buck. :lol:

She is standing down hill...
Straw Hat Farm Rose (1) - Copy.JPG

Straw Hat Farm Rose (2) - Copy.JPG

I also forgot to mention we have two lamancha doelings from the breeder we work with.
they were from triplets... 1buck, 2 does. The 2 does are already huge. They were born in May. The one is the better show candidate. The smaller one is gorgeous but she knuckles over at the knee some. She will probably move on eventually but maybe not. That easily bred out. The other siblings do not knuckle over. They are HUGE though. Shorter but my goodness... wide. Like really wide.
Saying fleshy actually may be an understatement. :p It's ok, I love their appetite. I have never seen baby lamanchas have such a love for hay! They literally stand there all day and just eat.

I don't have any good pics... this is one of the does... this is zoomed in from pretty far away. Not a great pic.

Got this pic of Mariah- she is such a beautiful doe.

Zephyr rolling around in the grass- what a goofball!

Sweet Jane- Finally gaining weight back after that bad hay ordeal. She will be going to a precious 7 yr old lil girl - she will be her showmanship goat. :D
Perfect for her as Jane is so well mannered, anyone can walk her/show her. She will be bred before she leaves. I will miss her. I have always enjoyed Jane.

These two make me smile. But the black one, Eclipse... well I LOVE her. She is a favorite of mine. I called dibs the minute she was born. It didn't work, they're GW's. I want to steal her for myself. ;)

They are always together- it so sweet how they walk everywhere together.
Then there is Princess (Mini Mancha) and Bluebell (Nubian) because of course the grass taste much better through the fence.


Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
Yesterday SBC and I were clipping goats. I let Pete out to hang out with us, he misses his goats terribly. I don’t think he stopped wagging his tail! He is the happiest dog.
It’s like he is happy to be alive.
He was so close to death. Just so thankful he held on.

He is still weak but doing better. He lost an enormous amount of weight, it pains me to see him so thin. He’s a little spoiled now, loves his “people food” and canned dog food. He’s just like his momma, Callie. :love

He wants to go to his field. I think he misses Blue and his goats.

I snapped some pics the other day. I’ll see if I can get some posted.

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Dixie Classic was a fun show.
We had a great time at the Dixie Classic! Very relaxed show with some really great folks!
So many beautiful goats! We are very pleased with how our does placed. We took 4 Srs and 7 Jrs.
Pictures will have to wait. :D

The highlight of the show was our friend who swept the Lamanchas.

Judge: Jackson Noble

Jr Kids- Allure- 1st ; Arpege- 2nd
Int. Kids- Trudy- 1st ; Dancing Queen- 2nd
Sr. 2YO- Raina (FF)- 1st ; Charlotte (FF)- 2nd
Sr. 5+ YO- Mariah- 2nd & Best Udder
Best Lamancha Dairy Herd- (Raina, Charlotte, Mariah) :weee

Rec. Grade-
Sr Kid- Mousse- 2nd & RCH
Sr 2YO - Tiffany (FF)- 2nd RCH

Int Kid- Pink – scratched ; Jade - scratched

Jr Kids- Allure- 1st (Y)RCH; Arpege- 2nd
Int. Kids- Trudy- 1st; Dancing Queen- 3rd
Sr. 2YO- Raina (FF)- 1st & Best Udder of Breed; Charlotte (FF)- 2nd
Sr. 5+ YO- Mariah-2nd & Best Udder

Rec. Grade-
Sr Kid- Mousse- 2nd (Y)RCH
Sr 2YO -Tiffany (FF)- 2nd

Int Kid- Pink- 1st (Y)GCH ; Jade- 4th

Dixie Classic Oct 2018.JPG