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Herd Master
That makes sense, thanks for the explanation. I was planning on having them a treat, was thinking crimped oats, because you have mentioned that before. 
Thanks! I'm so excited!What an awesome set up! You're going to be working sheep like a pro now![]()
That was a great score (so jealous)! We built our chute and catch pen with pallets because they were free but just realized that we need a flip table to do their hooves, vaccinations, etc... It's so back breaking without one.
Your set up is nice but I think I've read somewhere that your chute should be (somewhat) solid so they can't see through it and try bouncing off the sides. Please let us know how it goes. It's so exciting to have equipment that'll make your life so much easier.
I I love this set up Mike . I'm just going to add this little bit of information .get rid of the zip ties and try these instead . The tool is a pigtail twister .You can buy at Home Depot $3.50. They only carry the one pictured . Galvanized loop ties have to be ordered seven or eight inch work better . Home Depot carries the plain wire ones, and only six inch .Six inch ties will twist one or two times on a T post and a corral panel. . They come in longer lengths. But again you can order the longer ones or buy them at a local concrete material supplier . Like Ram Tool or Care Supply . I used to buy from them don't know if they are in business anymore . The 1000 count bundles ,may be hard to get in longer lengths . You may only be able to get them in 5000 count roll . I have yellow plastic coated six inch ties. from a 5000 count roll still , from a footing job over ten years ago. I use those to tie my garden baskets together . They are so handy , fix a small cage or wire the door shut on a crazy rooster . Tie milk jugs cut for feeders and waters in small or big cages .Our layout now is similar to what we had when you were here but we added an 8' gate to the porch and attached a Cattle Panel inside the loading chute to use to "squeeze" the animals onto a trailer. We added the gate permanently to allow us to use it to hold animals in the loading area or we can send them in there until we are done and then open the gate and let them go back to the shelter area by moving the inside panel at the entrance to the chute.
Two of our solid panels allow us to drop the height by 8" so we can easily step over and get in the chute with the sheep. You can see them in the 3rd and 4th pictures. The only issue with those is I have had a wild ewe jump out of the chute when the height is reduced. Three adult sheep easily fit in one section and I can get in to hold them steady while they get a shot or drench from the person outside the chute. By working in with them it lets me use my position to keep them from backing out or lets me use my lower body to push them forward in the rare case they get stubborn. At first I had to use a panel to force them into the chute but anymore I just open the sliding gate at the entry end and they walk right in.
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