
Loving the herd life
Mar 10, 2012
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Awwww thanks you guys!

Horse fair is Friday. Today went to my favorite store, Big R, for fair supplies, horse shampoo, rubber bands to band manes, new Wranglers, fly spray. It is so hot and the flies are driving the horses nuts.

Sparky is on Naxcel now, and bandage change tomorrow. :fl

Remington has been turned out with the does for over a week now....another :fl

Got new clipper blades today so can finish the clipping, was told by another goat person who shows many goats, that we do not have to shave the breeding does, just the market goats. SO I am so happy about that, I hate shaving them BUT what if she is wrong??????:idunno

Both daughters are here tonight, Aunt Vicki will help the kids with everything to do with preparing for the show, she is good with showmanship and all the rest, she showed her horse for years, Kelly can help with all the baths and clipping. Hmmmmmm, think they got it covered, maybe I will just kick back in the hammock, iced tea in hand.........:celebrate

Most likely won't be back for a few days.......


Loving the herd life
Mar 10, 2012
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Horse fair is over and the kids did great! :celebrate I am so proud of them all. So many people came to me and told me how they were so impressed at how far the kids had come since they joined 4H in May. I didn't realize that others could see how much they had learned. :D

Kendra, my grand daughter, 13, had a hellacious horse this year. Her mom bought her the horse because of her color. :/ A loud colored paint. WELL let's just say I never buy a horse cause it's flashy, first off comes the mind. I therefore, ended up with many sorrel or bay quarter horses. Maybe a white sock or two. But good solid minded horses. This mare was so pig minded, and wouldn't take her right lead to save her life. She would take off running so fast it was scary. :barnie I found out a lot of background on her, how she was raced down the road, etc. Maybe mama should have done that before she bought her? :rolleyes: Kendra lives with me, her mother was here twice to help her with the horse. We did many MANY hours of Down Under Horsemanship, western pleasure loping exercises to slow her down. (something I never knew about, as I ride and train cutting horses. ) 5 months later, at Horse Fair, Kendra and Angel take Grand Champion Western Eq, First Blue Showmanship Junior, Grand Champion Horse Psychology, Blue Trail. :weee

Now for the boys, they just started riding in May. They have been on a gentle horse I used to own a couple of times but he was old and got too arthritic for them to ride much. Ricci, 14, ended up using my middle daughter's horse, Cat. She is a finished Western Pleasure horse, but he had to learn all of the places to cue her, and I am big on LEGS LEGS LEGS and less hand to ride a horse. He loves the mechanics of haunch turns and side passing. He picked up on it fast, and has a natural good seat and balance. Even though he is a beginner, the show office moved him up to Intermediate, the day of the show! Doing patterns in Showmanship he had never seen. He was Grand Champion in Showmanship!:clap Both the boys wore ties, the judge commented in the judges meeting in the morning how impressed she was that the boys wore ties like the guys do in the BIG TIME Showmanship shows. HAHAHA. They were embarrassed. Ricci also took Blue Western Eq, Blue Horse Psychology and Blue Trail!!!!:clap

Now for William, 12, the "owner" of Sparky, who lost his mount 3 weeks before fair, and had to try and find a horse to ride, and had a couple of wild rides on horses people said were dead broke, bomb proof etc for my "60 day" grandson. These horses didn't even have 60 days on them!
We ended up finding a wonderful 20 year old ex show horse from a good friend, who said she didn't know how he would do, since her little 3 year old had been trotting around him. Well, Jayden remembered it all. And William and Jayden were quite a team. They took Grand Champion in Trail, Blue in Western Eq, Blue in Horse Psychology and Blue in Showmanship! :celebrate

I am so proud of them all, they worked so hard and William and Kendra had immense obstacles to over come, and they did it. NOW tomorrow morning, GOAT CLIPPING! They are so excited for Fair, and it is coming at us like a run away train. SO much to do to get ready. But somehow, it all seems to fall into place.

Ricci got a board and made a super nice sign for our goat club to hang with a router, and he is going to make name signs for each of the kids this week. I am thinking I am going to have to get some goat coats for the ones getting clipped. It is still in the low 90's but the last 3 nights around 3 in the morning, I start pulling the covers on and wish my fan would turn itself off, cause I am too tired to get up and do it!

Sparky seems to be getting better. Her foot is of course, still open, but it is looking like the infection is getting under control. I don't have much of an opening to squirt in the penicillin anymore. Today when I checked on her, she was standing with both back feet flat on the ground, the injured foot maybe a tiny bit off the ground. Tomorrow is bandage change day.

I am wondering.....if the hoof is going to grow back, why do I have to have the old hoof cut off? Why can't I just let the new hoof grow, have the shoer put a bar shoe on, and then trim off the damaged hoof as necessary? I have had shoers I have talked to ask me the same thing, when I tell them what happened to her. Of course, I can't do anything until the foot is completely healed.


Ridin' The Range
Jan 31, 2012
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WOW!! Good for you and good for the kids :). So glad they all did so well. Glad too, to hear that Sparky is looking better. Just take it day by day..... Not even the vets can predict 100% for sure how these things will go. I say, if you're seeing improvement, keep doing what you're doing. I had that one very well respected equine sports surgeon tell me that my mare's leg would be as big around as a basketball without surgery. We didn't do the surgery and she's out in the pasture raising nine kinds of he?? right now. You could not see the fracture if I pointed it out to you. It was a lot of work, but worth every minute.

Keep up the good work! I can't wait to hear how the kids do with thier goats :).


Chillin' with the herd
Jan 10, 2012
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RemudaOne said:
WOW!! Good for you and good for the kids :). So glad they all did so well. Glad too, to hear that Sparky is looking better. Just take it day by day..... Not even the vets can predict 100% for sure how these things will go. I say, if you're seeing improvement, keep doing what you're doing. I had that one very well respected equine sports surgeon tell me that my mare's leg would be as big around as a basketball without surgery. We didn't do the surgery and she's out in the pasture raising nine kinds of he?? right not. You could not see the fracture if I pointed it out to you. It was a lot of work, but worth every minute.

Keep up the good work! I can't wait to hear how the kids do with thier goats :).

I want to do 4-h sooo bad but i keep forgetting to call the place and join :rolleyes:

So glad it went well!!!!! I am SO jeaulous.. i want a horse... lol. Sounds like your kids are WONDERFUL!!! Keep it up, and :fl that sparky gets better!!


Loving the herd life
Mar 10, 2012
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ILuvSheep said:
RemudaOne said:
WOW!! Good for you and good for the kids :). So glad they all did so well. Glad too, to hear that Sparky is looking better. Just take it day by day..... Not even the vets can predict 100% for sure how these things will go. I say, if you're seeing improvement, keep doing what you're doing. I had that one very well respected equine sports surgeon tell me that my mare's leg would be as big around as a basketball without surgery. We didn't do the surgery and she's out in the pasture raising nine kinds of he?? right not. You could not see the fracture if I pointed it out to you. It was a lot of work, but worth every minute.

Keep up the good work! I can't wait to hear how the kids do with thier goats :).

I want to do 4-h sooo bad but i keep forgetting to call the place and join :rolleyes:

So glad it went well!!!!! I am SO jeaulous.. i want a horse... lol. Sounds like your kids are WONDERFUL!!! Keep it up, and :fl that sparky gets better!!
ILuvSheep, you really should get signed up, it is so good for kids, they have so much fun and look forward to it all year. Of course, it is not just a few months around fair time, you have your animals all the time to care for. My kids are all taking a breeders herd of Boer goats, which is 3 does each, and they are also taking an off spring, for Dam and Doe, then there is the class of 3 off spring by the same buck, plus their market goats, and that is a lot of work. We do horses too, and that is the week before regular fair, but takes a lot of time away from getting the goats ready. IF they took less goats, no problem, but they would take the whole herd if I let them! :lol:


Loving the herd life
Mar 10, 2012
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Thanks so much everyone, we are all pumped. :celebrate Today is very breezy and cool, not a good day to bathe goats! It's July! And we were over a hundred for 2 weeks getting ready for horse fair, now today when it is over, a cool windy day. :( I just might clip them dirty and put their coats on, I know it is bad for my clipper blades but they have to be done. Can always buy new blades. :rolleyes:

AND there is the kick off of the Fair Parade this Saturday and they want to ride their horses through the parade. They wanted to take some goats too but I said no. At the time I thought it would be over 100* and I didn't want the goats stressed being led through the parade, these are after all, ranch goats. They don't go to town much, only to fair.
So we are putting off the clipping and/or bathing til this afternoon and heading to town to my favorite store, Big R!!!!! To get a few extra hay bags for the goats, grain pans, goat coats, livestock shampoo, etc. :D


Loving the herd life
Jan 11, 2012
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SDBoerGoats said:
ILuvSheep said:
RemudaOne said:
WOW!! Good for you and good for the kids :). So glad they all did so well. Glad too, to hear that Sparky is looking better. Just take it day by day..... Not even the vets can predict 100% for sure how these things will go. I say, if you're seeing improvement, keep doing what you're doing. I had that one very well respected equine sports surgeon tell me that my mare's leg would be as big around as a basketball without surgery. We didn't do the surgery and she's out in the pasture raising nine kinds of he?? right not. You could not see the fracture if I pointed it out to you. It was a lot of work, but worth every minute.

Keep up the good work! I can't wait to hear how the kids do with thier goats :).

I want to do 4-h sooo bad but i keep forgetting to call the place and join :rolleyes:

So glad it went well!!!!! I am SO jeaulous.. i want a horse... lol. Sounds like your kids are WONDERFUL!!! Keep it up, and :fl that sparky gets better!!
ILuvSheep, you really should get signed up, it is so good for kids, they have so much fun and look forward to it all year. Of course, it is not just a few months around fair time, you have your animals all the time to care for. My kids are all taking a breeders herd of Boer goats, which is 3 does each, and they are also taking an off spring, for Dam and Doe, then there is the class of 3 off spring by the same buck, plus their market goats, and that is a lot of work. We do horses too, and that is the week before regular fair, but takes a lot of time away from getting the goats ready. IF they took less goats, no problem, but they would take the whole herd if I let them! :lol:
LOL! I know, but I can't remember the name of the 4-H club near us :/ I want to show my chickens, and then since we have some nigerian dwarfs now I want to show them!! Grr... Im looking up the name now ! The only stupid 4-H clubs (yes im calling them stupid cause im frustrated, LOL) are HORSE 4-H clubs which I would be giddy except I don't have a horse!!!
(Me and Iluvsheep are the same person but i lost my password for ILS-my origanal account- so i made THIS one, and now on one comp im signed in as ILS and on the other CBL, so call me either one :) )

What are you cliping? Their hooves?