Senile Texas Aggie - comic relief for the rest of you


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Just a correction, it is Patricia CORNWELL not cromwell. I thought something looked wrong, but couldn't see it til I looked at one of the books.

@greybeard is right. Today's generation, that are sooooo good with the electronics, will "die" if they cannot use them on a minute/hourly/daily basis. And with the increasing populations, and building of houses/condos etc., they all go to the gym and can't see that good old fashioned "exercise" is better for them. Plus having to work for something they want or need. It is the need thing that will get them because they won't know how to provide for themselves, or to put food up, or save for future needs.

Along that line of thinking, and I am not trying to get too political here so please don't anyone take offense; There is a scary direction that this country is heading. I am all for helping my neighbor. I am not for this "take from the rich and "spread the wealth" that I have worked so hard for. We need to be compassionate, and I am all for some immigration, but as the current President says, it needs to orderly and we need to allow in those who are willing to follow the principles that this country was founded on. We can always use people who are willing to work and CONTRIBUTE to this country in a positive way.
All that said, there is an author that I read. William W. Johnston. He has written alot of books, the Mountain Man series and others. Some are set back in the early days of this country. Many are a bit, "out there", like the Mountain man series. But he also has some set in "today's time". Invasion USA, Jacknife, Phoenix Rising, American Jhiad, and some others. They are very good examples of what CAN happen with this country getting complacent with the illegals, and other factions that are being seen in this country. Some of it is probably a little exaggerated, but I don't think that much. I know a person that has a boyfriend that does covert stuff, it can be very ugly from what little she can talk about. I don't doubt for a minute that this kind of stuff goes on. The thing is, it shows that the mindset of so many of the "younger generation" just doesn't really treasure or respect our country and the freedoms that were fought for. @ greybeard being one of our veterans, and @Mike CHS , and @Latestarter just being the first three I can think of.
The thing is that we are dealing with cultures that do not respect us, that do not respect women as individuals, and believe in things that are just not what most of the American principles stand for. We can be taken down so easily in the "cyberworld" and then it is not far to slowly just totally controlling the masses. Once it gets to that point, the ones that will be saying "wait a minute" will be killed because they will start to realize that it has gotten out of hand, and it might be too late.
It scares me. I won't live long enough to see it probably, but the next generation will be destroyed if we don't learn to do better for ourselves, and not rely on "someone else" to do for us. I guess that is why so many on here want to be a little more "independent" and self sufficient, because we may be all that is standing inbetween life and death in the future. I am not a "doom and gloom" person per se, but try to be practical, and the things being proposed in todays' world have my "alarms" screaming at me.


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
What type of books do you normally read? I prefer fiction over non fiction. Lately it's been murder mystery.

While I like some fiction, I normally prefer non-fiction. For every fiction book we read, we normally will read 9 nonfiction books. I love to learn, and have such a wide range of interests -- primarily science, but also like history, memoirs, current affairs, etc. On occasion, we will read a fiction book, such as A Wrinkle in Time. When I was a kid, I spent my spending money on nonfiction books. There was a series of books aimed at 8th grade level or so that could be read in a day or two that I would buy once a week when we went to the grocery store. Topics ranged from geology, topology, the making of the atom bomb, etc. I remember the last book in that series that I bought that discussed life, including the theory of evolution. We were a fundamentalist Protestant Christian family, and when I showed my mom what the book said, she said the book was of the Devil. I then threw away every one of those books for fear that the Devil was deceiving me. (Oh, well, she meant well.) But despite that setback, I never lost my interest in learning. After reaching adulthood I have hundreds of books, including several on evolution. Especially since retiring, my Beautiful Gal and I have read A LOT of books, since we don't watch TV. Amazon is making a killing from us since we usually read a Kindle version of a book, as it is so convenient to download a sample, read that, and if the sample is good then download the book. If the sample is not good, then we will read another sample. Right now we are reading samples to find the next book we want to read.

Senile Texas Aggie


Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Mar 7, 2018
Reaction score
Just a correction, it is Patricia CORNWELL not cromwell. I thought something looked wrong, but couldn't see it til I looked at one of the books.

@greybeard is right. Today's generation, that are sooooo good with the electronics, will "die" if they cannot use them on a minute/hourly/daily basis. And with the increasing populations, and building of houses/condos etc., they all go to the gym and can't see that good old fashioned "exercise" is better for them. Plus having to work for something they want or need. It is the need thing that will get them because they won't know how to provide for themselves, or to put food up, or save for future needs.

Along that line of thinking, and I am not trying to get too political here so please don't anyone take offense; There is a scary direction that this country is heading. I am all for helping my neighbor. I am not for this "take from the rich and "spread the wealth" that I have worked so hard for. We need to be compassionate, and I am all for some immigration, but as the current President says, it needs to orderly and we need to allow in those who are willing to follow the principles that this country was founded on. We can always use people who are willing to work and CONTRIBUTE to this country in a positive way.
All that said, there is an author that I read. William W. Johnston. He has written alot of books, the Mountain Man series and others. Some are set back in the early days of this country. Many are a bit, "out there", like the Mountain man series. But he also has some set in "today's time". Invasion USA, Jacknife, Phoenix Rising, American Jhiad, and some others. They are very good examples of what CAN happen with this country getting complacent with the illegals, and other factions that are being seen in this country. Some of it is probably a little exaggerated, but I don't think that much. I know a person that has a boyfriend that does covert stuff, it can be very ugly from what little she can talk about. I don't doubt for a minute that this kind of stuff goes on. The thing is, it shows that the mindset of so many of the "younger generation" just doesn't really treasure or respect our country and the freedoms that were fought for. @ greybeard being one of our veterans, and @Mike CHS , and @Latestarter just being the first three I can think of.
The thing is that we are dealing with cultures that do not respect us, that do not respect women as individuals, and believe in things that are just not what most of the American principles stand for. We can be taken down so easily in the "cyberworld" and then it is not far to slowly just totally controlling the masses. Once it gets to that point, the ones that will be saying "wait a minute" will be killed because they will start to realize that it has gotten out of hand, and it might be too late.
It scares me. I won't live long enough to see it probably, but the next generation will be destroyed if we don't learn to do better for ourselves, and not rely on "someone else" to do for us. I guess that is why so many on here want to be a little more "independent" and self sufficient, because we may be all that is standing inbetween life and death in the future. I am not a "doom and gloom" person per se, but try to be practical, and the things being proposed in todays' world have my "alarms" screaming at me.

Totally agree with you. People have become too complacent. Whats happening isnt an accident. Its been planned for years.


Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Mar 7, 2018
Reaction score
While I like some fiction, I normally prefer non-fiction. For every fiction book we read, we normally will read 9 nonfiction books. I love to learn, and have such a wide range of interests -- primarily science, but also like history, memoirs, current affairs, etc. On occasion, we will read a fiction book, such as A Wrinkle in Time. When I was a kid, I spent my spending money on nonfiction books. There was a series of books aimed at 8th grade level or so that could be read in a day or two that I would buy once a week when we went to the grocery store. Topics ranged from geology, topology, the making of the atom bomb, etc. I remember the last book in that series that I bought that discussed life, including the theory of evolution. We were a fundamentalist Protestant Christian family, and when I showed my mom what the book said, she said the book was of the Devil. I then threw away every one of those books for fear that the Devil was deceiving me. (Oh, well, she meant well.) But despite that setback, I never lost my interest in learning. After reaching adulthood I have hundreds of books, including several on evolution. Especially since retiring, my Beautiful Gal and I have read A LOT of books, since we don't watch TV. Amazon is making a killing from us since we usually read a Kindle version of a book, as it is so convenient to download a sample, read that, and if the sample is good then download the book. If the sample is not good, then we will read another sample. Right now we are reading samples to find the next book we want to read.

Senile Texas Aggie
If you get Prime, you can read all the books you want for free.


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
If you get Prime, you can read all the books you want for free.

We are a member of Prime, and there are only some books we can get for free, but not all that many. Of those that are free, there is a reason that they are free -- they usually are not any good. How do you get all of your books for free? Are there different levels of Prime membership? It would save us a lot of money in book costs if we could get all of the books for free.

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
Just a correction, it is Patricia CORNWELL not cromwell. I thought something looked wrong, but couldn't see it til I looked at one of the books.

@greybeard is right. Today's generation, that are sooooo good with the electronics, will "die" if they cannot use them on a minute/hourly/daily basis. And with the increasing populations, and building of houses/condos etc., they all go to the gym and can't see that good old fashioned "exercise" is better for them. Plus having to work for something they want or need. It is the need thing that will get them because they won't know how to provide for themselves, or to put food up, or save for future needs.

Along that line of thinking, and I am not trying to get too political here so please don't anyone take offense; There is a scary direction that this country is heading. I am all for helping my neighbor. I am not for this "take from the rich and "spread the wealth" that I have worked so hard for. We need to be compassionate, and I am all for some immigration, but as the current President says, it needs to orderly and we need to allow in those who are willing to follow the principles that this country was founded on. We can always use people who are willing to work and CONTRIBUTE to this country in a positive way.
All that said, there is an author that I read. William W. Johnston. He has written alot of books, the Mountain Man series and others. Some are set back in the early days of this country. Many are a bit, "out there", like the Mountain man series. But he also has some set in "today's time". Invasion USA, Jacknife, Phoenix Rising, American Jhiad, and some others. They are very good examples of what CAN happen with this country getting complacent with the illegals, and other factions that are being seen in this country. Some of it is probably a little exaggerated, but I don't think that much. I know a person that has a boyfriend that does covert stuff, it can be very ugly from what little she can talk about. I don't doubt for a minute that this kind of stuff goes on. The thing is, it shows that the mindset of so many of the "younger generation" just doesn't really treasure or respect our country and the freedoms that were fought for. @ greybeard being one of our veterans, and @Mike CHS , and @Latestarter just being the first three I can think of.
The thing is that we are dealing with cultures that do not respect us, that do not respect women as individuals, and believe in things that are just not what most of the American principles stand for. We can be taken down so easily in the "cyberworld" and then it is not far to slowly just totally controlling the masses. Once it gets to that point, the ones that will be saying "wait a minute" will be killed because they will start to realize that it has gotten out of hand, and it might be too late.
It scares me. I won't live long enough to see it probably, but the next generation will be destroyed if we don't learn to do better for ourselves, and not rely on "someone else" to do for us. I guess that is why so many on here want to be a little more "independent" and self sufficient, because we may be all that is standing inbetween life and death in the future. I am not a "doom and gloom" person per se, but try to be practical, and the things being proposed in todays' world have my "alarms" screaming at me.

You would be hard pressed to find someone who would agree with you more ! You are a wise woman farmerjan....


Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Mar 7, 2018
Reaction score
We are a member of Prime, and there are only some books we can get for free, but not all that many. Of those that are free, there is a reason that they are free -- they usually are not any good. How do you get all of your books for free? Are there different levels of Prime membership? It would save us a lot of money in book costs if we could get all of the books for free.
When I had Prime, all the kindle books were free. It had unlimited. If you have Prime, you should have thousands of books available.

Just checked. I might be getting it mixed up with Kindle Unlimited. Its 10 dollars a month. I have the Kindle App on my Ipad and phone. Its cheaper than buying a Kindle device.
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Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Just checked. I might be getting it mixed up with Kindle Unlimited. Its 10 dollars a month. I have the Kindle App on my Ipad and phone. Its cheaper than buying a Kindle device.

We are members of Kindle Unlimited. While they have A LOT of fiction books, they have few non-fiction books, mostly biography and history. We have read a few of those books, but the selection is small.

Library STA!!!

That would be great if there was a library near us worth anything. While I haven't gone to the library, the small libraries I have been to usually have mostly fiction. I suspect that the library over in Fort Smith is quite a bit larger, but it is so far that it is cheaper to buy them from Amazon than to drive to Fort Smith. Oh, well, Amazon is cheaper than any satellite TV package we could buy and a whole lot more educational.

Senile Texas Aggie