Senile Texas Aggie - comic relief for the rest of you


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Miss @Sumi, please advise if I have violated the website's policies regarding the discussion of politics and/or religion. I don't want to do that. I have posted this in response to some comments that others made on another forum (mentioned below) as a bit of explanation, but I am not trying to provoke any kind of ranting, flaming, or any other such nonsense.

This post is to continue the conversation that was started on @CntryBoy777's journal (see

I know this forum is not intended for discussions of religion and politics, so I have tried to avoid mentioning those topics. Some of the other contributors have alluded to politics at times, but I have studiously avoided it. If there are two topics that get people's anger stirred up, it is those two topics. And sadly, when people's emotions get involved, it usually results in more heat than light. And I hate conflict when it can be avoid it. I wish we would all treat each other with politeness and respect as fellow human beings. Yet it seems that conflict is all we hear about these days, especially in the realm of politics. I will tell everyone a little about myself, and then if anyone would like to comment, you are more than welcome, or better still, we can do PMs to each other, where others won't be involved.

When Mr. CntryBoy777 mentioned about going to get some rocks, I mentioned in my reply about being surprised about rocks being in Florida, then mentioned glaciers and moraines. That was meant as a joke, as I knew there were rocks in Florida and that they were not deposited by glaciers; it is just that the rocks are buried beneath all of that sand! Mr. @CntryBoy777 thought I was serious, I guess, and mentioned that he believed that the Creation (which I took to mean the entire universe, including the Earth) was less than 6,000 years old. His comment was perfectly fine -- after all, it is his journal. I also mentioned that I once believed that as well, which leads me to my telling a bit more about myself.

Many years ago, shortly after the dinosaurs died off, I was a good fundamentalist Bible-believing Protestant Christian for many years. I attended church 3 times a week (Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, and Wednesday evenings). I prayed every day, read the Bible every day. I had doubts on occasion, but nothing serious. Then one day in 1983 I read two books (that are probably no longer in print) that really shook my world view. After having read those two books, I decided to read more deeply into science, including the theory of evolution and the age of the Earth and the Universe, this time reading the evidence for them. (I had read many books against evolution while I was a fundamentalist Christian, but never any books in support of it.) The more I read, the more doubts I had. At one point, some time in 1987, for months on end, I could not sleep, knowing the stakes were quite high -- my supposedly immortal soul. I asked God to show himself to me, make me see that He was real. I continued reading, devouring all the books I could get my hands on, wrestling with these topics. The more I read, the more the scientific and atheistic views seemed correct. Finally, in 1988, I reached a decision. I told God that if He existed, then any time He wanted to reach out to me, He was welcome to do so, but until that time, I was not going to worry about Him any more. I am still waiting.

My wife got to her atheism by a different path. She continued to believe in God and the Bible for many more years. I did not badger her, pester her, or otherwise try to convince her one way or the other, as I figured that was her own private business. Then in 1999-2000, she started having doubts. She decided to study how the Bible came into existence. We discovered the books and audio (now video) courses at The Teaching Company of Bart Ehrman, a professor at the University of North Carolina, who has written several books on the historical approach to studying the Bible. We both were surprised at what we learned. Finally, after about 2 years of learning, my wife also no longer believed.

So when Mr. @CntryBoy777 said what he believed, I fully understood, as I once believed that way as well. Whenever anyone else says something regarding Christianity, most likely I will have believed it as well.

This will be my one and only post about either religion and politics. This forum is not intended for either. There are plenty of other forums for discussing those topics. Others are free to post what they want on my journal or anywhere else about religion, politics, or any other topic. If someone wants to PM me about these or any other topics, I will be glad to do so, with one stipulation -- you must treat me with politeness and respect, just as I promise to treat you the same way. Otherwise, I will simply stop corresponding with you. You can recommend to me books for me to read, or videos to watch. I am willing to look at other points of view. I believe now that I was wrong before, and recognize that I might be wrong again. I hope that you will consider the possibility that you might be wrong as well.

I am sorry to posted such a lengthy post on such a volatile topic as religion. As I said above, I promise not to bring it up again, except perhaps in a tangential fashion. Now, back to goats and sheep and chickens and tractors and ...

Senile Texas Aggie


Herd Master
Jun 27, 2017
Reaction score
Capital Region NY
I too will avoid talking about religion and politics anywhere. You are so right, those 2 topics can really stir up some anger in people. I believe we all have the rights to believe what we want or support any "party" we choose or support whatever rights as long as it's not hurting anyone else.


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Golden Herd Member
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
@Senile_Texas_Aggie no worries :) You haven't broken any rules that I could see. We discourage political and religious discussions on our forums, because they tend to get a bit heated, as you said. But we don't completely prohibit mentions of them, etc, as long as the discussions stay civil.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
When Mr. CntryBoy777 mentioned about going to get some rocks, I mentioned in my reply about being surprised about rocks being in Florida, then mentioned glaciers and moraines. That was meant as a joke, as I knew there were rocks in Florida and that they were not deposited by glaciers; it is just that the rocks are buried beneath all of that sand! Mr. @CntryBoy777 thought I was serious, I guess, and mentioned that he believed that the Creation (which I took to mean the entire universe, including the Earth) was less than 6,000 years old. His comment was perfectly fine -- after all, it is his journal. I also mentioned that I once believed that as well, which leads me to my telling a bit more about myself.
I figured ya was kidding, or thought ya was....I was just stating that the "assumption" of such what is taught and widely accepted, is not a theory that I am inclined to embrace....I am neither upset, "fired up", or any of that mess....each has the freedom to believe as they wish....I just ask for equal opportunity to state mine...if you state yours....too many are willing to share theirs, but unwilling to allow another to voice theirs.....I have experienced that many, many times.....;) is all Good STA....ya still "rock" ...imo...:)


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
You're allowed to be atheist even in a whole group of Christians. We're supposed to be good at loving people and trying not to judge or being clannish or mean (although you and I both know we're definitely not perfect). I'm not sure, but I think you're in a pretty mixed group as far as religion goes. It takes all sorts to make up BYH considering our unifying factor is some variation on managing farms and farming. I think you're going to be okay. It looks like Mr. Fred is okay. Hopefully nobody else will give you a hard time-I doubt it.

On a different note, I feel bad for that guy that got hit by that branch. It was so fast I missed it the first time. It looks like shredders are mighty dangerous-like they can push and pull things around quite quickly and hard. Be careful out there. A head shot is more dangerous in the long term than a crotch shot.
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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Having Native American... or Indian as we still say..... ancestors on my fathers' mothers' side, I have some different beliefs than the strictly methodist type upbringing I had. Not saying I don't believe in a higher being because I do.... but I am not so blind to discount some of the evolution theories. And my higher being may not exactly jive with some of what I was taught. Still, doesn't mean I am going to tell someone to go to " where ever" if they think different than me. One thing I find hard to tolerate are religions that are oppressive to women, as some of the extreme Muslims are. Since many Native American tribes had matriarchial lines, it is especially distasteful actually downright offensive to me, for people who want to keep women subserviant. And yes, many tribes of Native Americans were warlike and kept slaves too. But it was not practiced as a whole idea for everyone, just those they considered slaves. Still they thrived on fighting their enemy, other tribes, and that was their way. Just like we kept slaves, IT IS IN THE PAST. WE CANNOT CHANGE THE PAST, But we have to go forward from here.

So different beliefs for different folks.... All the "politically correct" terms for people that I still call "gay", and have trouble understanding some of what they do and believe in....... well, okay for them. DO NOT shove it in my face. Live the way you want. Show me some respect and I will show you some. I may not agree, but I won't tell you what to do unless it is harmful or abusive to someone. I will NOT tolerate any abuse of children. I think a gay livestyle is not natural or normal. But I am not living your life. If I do not want to socialize with you, that is my choice. If I do not want to bake a cake for your same sex marriage, that is my choice. Go find someone who is willing to do it. If I simply prefer not to do something, without making a big deal over it but simply decline, that is my choice. If you think you have a right to something like that, then I should have a right to refuse to do something. I have a right to stand up and say I do not like your way of life. I'm not being hateful or predjudice, I am simply saying I prefer to not participate in your situation. I did n ot tell you that you couldn't do it; I simply don't want to be a part of it.

Understand that Native Americans had their "gays" and they revered them in some ways. They were tolerated and left alone to do their own thing. They were not really even shunned, but were taken care of a part of the tribe. But it was not shoved into everyones face day after day and no one was forced to participate in that persons' life. That is how I feel about other's different beliefs, and non-beliefs. I might learn something. Might not agree.... but it is your way. I prefer to "hang with" people of like minds as I believe, but am not so ignorant to think that others cannot contribute positive things to life.

Sorry, this was not meant to be a rant either. I just have had to deal with some real adamant people lately that cannot and will not allow someone with "different ideas" to express themselves, and agree to disagree. And yes they were "gay".
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Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Much thanks to each one of you who responded for your understanding and acceptance. That makes me feel a lot better. There are a lot of wonderful people on this forum, and I have enjoyed interacting with you and look forward to it in the future. I hope to be able to continue to laugh at myself, either in the form of Texas Aggie jokes, or in the stupid stuff I do, like banging my head into the loader bucket or ripping off my tractor canopy going under low hanging branches. You are welcome to laugh along with me.

Now, back to goats and sheep and chickens and tractors and ...


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I look at it this way: " I don't care if you are _____ as long as you don't care that I'm not".

Fill in the blank with most any noun, gender, religion, race, etc. It ASSUMES that whatever that blank is filled in with doesn't do harm to others. I do make exceptions, for instance that blank better not be filled in with something like "pedofile" because that isn't acceptable EVER.

I guess that puts me in Bay's "Live and let live" camp.