Senile Texas Aggie - comic relief for the rest of you


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
He only has a 1/2 acre lot, so no need for a tractor, other than some grade work needs to be done to improve drainage. I suspect he will instead visit more often, so he can drive the tractor and Treasa can drive the Gator!


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Not to be nosy, but weren't they going to travel for a year or 2 RVing??? Maybe I have someone else confused. Are they moving closer to you? That would be nice for visiting back and forth with family as it seems you all get on real well.

Miss @farmerjan,

You are not being nosy at all. It indicates to me that you care. I like that.

They (as in James) wanted to travel a year or 2 and then settle down. But Treasa disliked it from the start. They managed to tour the southeastern US -- Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, and Tennessee, and then came back to visit with us and with their families in the Texarkana area. When in July they decided to go visit James' cousin somewhere in California, Treasa so much did not want to travel in the RV, so they drove their car out there for 2 weeks and then came back to visit with us. After visiting with us, they went back to the Texarkana area to start looking for another house. Treasa missed her kids and grand kids, did not like touring and seeing the countryside, and so James gave in and decided to move back to the Texarkana area. Technically, they will reside closer to us by about 3 blocks from their previous house -- still ~140 miles away.

I suspect they will visit often until Treasa goes back to work. Although she retired from her job, I think she misses the income, as she likes to financially help her kids and grand kids. Once she goes back to work, then I doubt they will visit often.

Senile Texas Aggie


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan

Someone on this forum kindly reached out to me to point out that I have been rude in asking very personal questions of different people, including the one who contacted me, on a public forum. I want to apologize to all of you to whom I have asked those questions. I sincerely have meant no harm. I have asked the questions of each of you because I wanted to let you know that I care about you. It is not that I wanted to be a gossip. If I didn't care about you, I certainly wouldn't bother to ask. Heck, I would bother to read your posts!

As I have mentioned before, I have Asperger's Syndrome. One of the characteristics of the syndrome is that those who have it are often clueless in social situations. I offer this by way of explanation, not excuse. One would think that having lived almost 67 years on this earth I would have learned the basic social guidelines, but sometimes I miss learning even the most basic of these rules. I ask your forgiveness. I will try to not ask these kinds of questions again.

To the person who contacted me: thank you! You have made clear to me my (inadvertent) rude behavior. I will try not to make that kind of mistake again.


Senile Texas Aggie

Feel free to ask me anything you would like to know, i am happy to answer anything anyone is curious on.:hugs We have a few different friends with children with downs and autism while not the same as Asperger's we have learned over the years that they obviously don't mean to be rude when they ask certain questions and just don't realize most people would find them rude or intrusive. In short you've never offended me with anything you have ever asked me so feel free to ask me whatever you like.:D =D


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Feel free to ask me anything you would like to know, i am happy to answer anything anyone is curious on.:hugs We have a few different friends with children with downs and autism while not the same as Asperger's we have learned over the years that they obviously don't mean to be rude when they ask certain questions and just don't realize most people would find them rude or intrusive. In short you've never offended me with anything you have ever asked me so feel free to ask me whatever you like.:D =D

Thank you, Miss @misfitmorgan!

Senile Texas Aggie


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas

I have a lot of things to post, but because I have a dental appointment at 2PM, then I will make separate posts.

The first thing is I would like to hear from the tractor owners on this forum - @Bruce, Miss @Baymule, Miss @farmerjan, @Mike CHS, @MtViking, and maybe others. I have 2 things to ask. First, how many of you have a 3-pt quick hitch? What brand do you have? Would you recommend that brand or some other brand? I have a category 2 tractor, but all of my implements are category 1, so I am thinking of getting a category 1 3-pt quick hitch.

Second, how many of you have a hydraulic top link for your 3-pt hitch? I am considering getting one for my tractor as my mower/shredder requires the top link to be at one length while the landscape rake requires it to be at a different length. And I have found that after using the landscape rake for awhile that being able to shorten the top link at times would be quite handy.


Senile Texas Aggie


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas

Well, I am back from the dentist. The dentist purchased a new X-ray machine, where they no longer need to use film and develop it. The bad news is that it still is not powerful enough to locate the 2 neurons in my brain, so they may need to get an even more powerful one! ;)

More on the pig. I saw her late one evening at dusk, and so I sneaked down to the pond. This time I steadied myself again a tree, aimed for her head, and fired. She ran off. The next morning, just at sunrise, I went down to the pond to see if she was there. I didn't see her, but as I walked around the pond I saw a piece of wood floating in the middle. I decided to shoot at the wood just to see where the bullet was going in relation to my aim. It turned out to be shooting high. Later that evening I decided to go back down to the pond, as we saw a couple of deer at the corn pile we had down there, as well as something we could not make out. I decided that instead of shooting across the pond that I would instead try to sneak up on her near her wallow. Just as I got to near that spot where I could see the wallow, she wasn't there. But then I looked to my left and there she was, walking toward the pond, no more than 10 yards away. She had not seen me. I aimed at the lower part of her head, thinking that if it is shooting high, then it will hit in the middle or at worst the top of her head. I fired. The pig acted as if I had missed and ran off. I fired 4 more times and she still kept going. So either I am an INCREDIBLY BAD shot and/or the 22 is not powerful enough to penetrate her head. So now I am considering getting a more powerful rifle or a 12 gauge shotgun. I want to learn a lot about guns before I decide which one to get. Where do you folks recommend I learn about them?

Senile Texas Aggie


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Find a shooting range near you. A sportings good/gun shop should be able to help you find one. Aren't you right near the Arkansas fish and game dept? Go talk to them.
Honestly. I think you need to go to a range, or set up a target practice area and figure out where you are actually shooting. A gun range would be much more accurate. I honestly think you are not hitting where you think you are and by "correcting your target area" are actually putting yourself off worse. At 10 yards a .22 would easily be able to kill her if she were hit in the right spot. She probably wouldn't drop right there, but that is only 30 feet away. I really think that getting yourself set up at a range, maybe with someone there who can see what you are doing when you shoot, and getting the gun sighted in is what you need.
I thought some of us had suggested where to go to learn about different types of rifles. Maybe it was another forum I was on. I think a .243 is a good all around gun , but again, you would want to go somewhere that you could try one out and that means a gun club/shooting range of some sort.