Senile Texas Aggie - comic relief for the rest of you


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Miss @B&B Happy goats,

If this danged "Follow" function worked like I think it should, you would definitely be on the list. But you joined BYH after I had tried it and having failed to be notified of others, so I stopped adding folks. But I have now added you to my list. <evil cackle>

Senile Texas Aggie


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Well, I thought I would update our journal as to the comic relief that's been going on here.

Last Friday we started hearing the tree frogs singing again. They've been singing ever since, although with it supposedly turning colder tomorrow they will probably head back under ground to wait out the cold. It seems really weird to hear them singing in early February.

Last week my Beautiful Gal and I decided to contact a man that does construction work. We had him come take a look at the Dismal Swamp across our newly built trail and give us an estimate for making a road and bridge across there. After getting a price and thinking about it, we told him to come out Monday morning. He was able to get it done in 1 day. Here are some pictures of the before, during, and after. (I apologize in advance if the pictures look blurry -- I am starting to develop tremors in my hands, just like my dad did, and I have a hard time holding the camera still at times.)
Before, at 7:30:

During, at 8:39, after they had put down the geotextile and the first dump truck load of shale:

After, at 1:43 PM, once they had finished. They put in a 15" drain pipe where the small stream flowed:

While we walked over it and was able to avoid the mud, we have yet to drive across with the Gator or the tractor.

Speaking of the tractor, I noticed that it had been leaking hydraulic fluid and was low and needed more to be added. I looked everywhere I could for the hydraulic fillneck but never did find it. The previous owner didn't know where it was, either. I had planned on calling the tractor dealer Monday morning when they opened up. I happened to ask the skidsteer guy, Chris, if he might know where it was. He looked a good while as well and finally found it. It turned out that the cap that is supposed to cover the hole where the hydraulic fluid goes was missing. There was no telling how long it had been missing. So early Tuesday I took the tractor to the dealer in Alma and dropped it off to have them drain and replace the hydraulic fluid and filter, and replace the fuel filter. On the way back I stopped at Lowe's and Office Depot, but didn't get back until late in the day. The dealer is supposed to be finished by the end of the week. I hope no damage was done to the hydraulic system or transmission due to dust getting into the system.

Senile Texas Aggie