Senile Texas Aggie - comic relief for the rest of you


Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Mar 7, 2018
Reaction score
When you find a thread you want to follow, do you hit the watch thread button in the upper right corner? When you do, you get the option of choosing to get email notifications, or just to follow without notifications. I get alerts when I come to the forum. I used to have the emails, but got so many, I changed it to just the alerts. Hope this helps.


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Miss @Rammy,

Yes, I do watch threads. I currently watch many of the journals that I have read. But I don't know of an easy, reliable way to learn about the existence of a new thread by one of these folks that I try to follow. I noticed that you, Mr. @Latestarter, and others whom I also follow had learned of the thread's existence, so I must be doing something wrong. Hopefully, the administrators will show me what it is. Thanks for your help.


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
P. S. Your not following me??????? Im so hurt......:hitjust kidding ....:plbb

I do try to read all of your posts, and because you have your own journal, which I watch, then I get notified. If you didn't have a farm journal, then, yes, I would follow you, but as you have seen with how poorly it worked for the others, I would not be notified of your posts, either! :(


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
STA, the journal you originally posted about started as a regular thread by Jan, and she later turned it into a/her journal. If she started it before you followed her, that may be why you weren't alerted. If you post to a thread, it will automatically "check the box" to follow that thread. It will NOT do this by simply clicking "like" within the thread to a post.

I have had issues with notifications in a variety of ways. I have addressed the issue in a quite simplistic manner. When I sign on the first place I look is top right where is says Alerts:

If it says more than 25, I go to step 2 below.

Step 1: If you hover over this it will alert you (drop down showing threads) to any new posts in threads you are following. It ONLY alerts on the first new post in each thread, so there could be multiple posts to a particular thread. Once you hover over this and the post drop down appears, it clears the bucket and assumes you've looked at all of them. If further new posts are made to a thread that you have NOT looked at, and has rolled off, it seems it will no longer alert you there as you never went and read the post it alerted you to in the first instance. (hope that makes sense). The maximum number of threads/posts it can display is 25 so if there are more than 25, the oldest ones will "roll off" the bottom of the list and you'll never see them. If you actually click on the alerts it will open a new window that displays all your alerts, 30 to a page. This is what I do if I initially saw there were 25 or more. This is what you'll see:

Step 2: If there are a lot of folks online when I first open this window, and there were more than 30 alerts, I open page 2 of the alerts in a new tab and then start reviewing on page 2 at the oldest alert. So if there were 45 alerts, I would count down 15 alerts on page 2 and click to open that alert in a new window and keep doing that as I move through the alerts. Once I've finished viewing all alerts on page two, I close that tab and start reviewing the alerts on page 1, oldest (bottom) first. This way if new alerts happen while I'm catching up, they don't affect the alerts that were there when I first started and they will be added and show up up top on the right where I showed in the first pic, but will not change/alter/delete/roll-move the existing alerts I started with in the now opened tabs. As I progress through, if I see an alert to a thread I had already opened and read, I just skip it as I will have already read the most current posts to that thread when I opened it previously.

If you've ever checked the box to "mark all threads/forums as read" (see #1 in pic below) it will "reset" alerts and if a new post is added, it should then alert you to it if you're following that thread. Of course this will also make it impossible to see threads you HAVEN'T already been to ("New"/unread) from days/weeks/months ago as you are now starting fresh and the site considers nothing preexisting as "new" any longer. You told the site it was already read. Going forward however, if a new thread is created, it WILL show this to you by bolding the forum heading in the list of forums on the main page (see #2 vice un-bolded #3 in pic below).

For new threads there is a selection button near the top on the left.

If you click it, it will open a new window with all new posts in threads you are following as well as those you are not following (yet).

ETA There is also a "New Threads" button over on the right side under forum statistics. This will only show you the most recent 5 new threads. It will make no difference if you've read them, posted to them, or not. If there are more than 5, they will have rolled off the bottom and you won't know of them from looking here.
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Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
There is also a "New Threads" button over on the right side under forum statistics. This will only show you the most recent 5 new threads. It will make no difference if you've read them, posted to them, or not. If there are more than 5, they will have rolled off the bottom and you won't know of them from looking here.
This, curiously enough, is the usual way it works, but is not always the case. I have often logged on to see as many as a dozen "New Threads" listed there, which I suspect is caused by the lag between the time they were posted and when the board's software saves what is happening on the board. Look again a few moments later, and there will be only 5 listed.

(Very few bulletin boards update in real will notice it sometimes when you are replying to a message and you change pages mid-reply. When you go back to your reply, sometimes your partially completed text is there, sometimes not. It all depends whether the board's software has triggered it's scheduled "save' function or not and how long you were away from the reply box. Once the board's automatic 'save' function has happened, any unfinished/un-posted reply will be there the next time you open that thread to reply.)


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Thanks, all, for your input. I guess I will simply have to manually watch new threads and posts, as I have had the Four Horsemen (women?) on my follow list since shortly after I joined. I know about the "Alerts" and use that to catch up, but have never gotten any alerts for those folks on my "follow" list.

I wouldn't go that far..........the help you are getting here from me is usually worth exactly what it cost.

I meant to respond to this earlier, but wanted to go do some clearing (more below). Mr @greybeard, sir, I value your commentary immensely. I may not always agree with it, but I always give some thought to what you say when I do not. That is why you, along with Miss @Baymule, Miss @farmerjan, and Miss @Mini Horses, are on my "follow" list, although that function, sadly, doesn't appear to be working.

Now as to what I have been doing the past two days. Yesterday, even though it was sunny, we did not work outside. Instead, we went down to the pond to feed the fish. They had not been feeding lately, but yesterday they decided to eat the bread we fed them (look closely in the water near the bread):

This morning we enjoyed watching the sunrise:

After I finished posting on BYH this morning, I went out and started working on the brush south of the shop. I decided to start on the west side of the area and work my way east. I discovered a fallen part of the top of a large oak tree.
20190106_121058.jpg 20190106_121109.jpg
I am not certain how I should remove the fallen part. I have enough chain to reach from the base part of the broken top to the tractor in the pasture, so I am thinking of wrapping the chain around the base part of the broken top and hooking the other end to the tractor and try pulling it out. But the way the limbs on the broken part of the tree are oriented, I fear they will get tangled in the other trees and not come out. (This situation reminds me of the Texas Aggie joke about the two deer hunters -- see below.) So what do you folks advise?

Senile Texas Aggie

Two Texas Aggies were deer hunting and managed to kill a large buck. They were dragging the buck by the antlers toward their truck, and having a lot of trouble because of the antlers getting tangled in the brush. Another hunter came along and suggested that they drag the buck by the hind legs. When they tried it, it worked! After awhile one hunter said to the other, "Boy, that was a great idea that other hunter had to drag the deer by the hind legs!" The other hunter replied, "Yeah, it was, but we sure are sure getting a long way from the truck!"

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