Senile Texas Aggie - comic relief for the rest of you


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Remember when you build your fence, these are big dogs that need space. They are a working dog breed and may make good pets, but they may need a job to do. You and your beautiful gal are their "pack" and don't be surprised if they guard you. I'm guessing they are half grown now? Are they leash trained? They will need socializing, that means loading them in the back seat and taking them for a ride. I have found Tractor Supply to be a great excursion for my dogs. While I want them to guard my sheep, I don't want snarling, vicious dogs that bite people. So off to TSC we go, they get to spend time on the dog food and toy aisle and they enjoy it. I allow people to pet them and it goes a long way to socialize them. It sure makes it easier to take them to the vet. Loading up a 100+ pound unwilling dog ain't for the faint of heart. :lol:

I'm so sorry for James, his wife and the whole situation. It is good of y'all to be there for support, I hope the family can control their disagreements on what is best for them. Did anybody think to ASK James and wife what THEY want?


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Thanks, all, for your comments. We got home late Thursday after leaving for NE Texas Monday morning. One of Treasa's daughter contacted my Beautiful Gal to let her know how worn down Treasa was and how she needed LaQuita's help. So we left around 10 AM Monday and stayed until Thursday afternoon. James left the hospital and came home Monday afternoon. I think our presence helped them out. Treasa was able to get some rest, with LaQuita helping Treasa do some of the house work while Treasa focused on James and his needs. I was the "gofer" - go for lunch take-out, go for groceries, go for medicines, etc. The two opinionated relatives helped out a lot by staying out of the picture. I think our presence was the reason for that. We decided to leave on Thursday afternoon because of the weather forecast for Friday for rain, sleet, and snow. We didn't want to be driving in that so we came home a bit early. See the attached panorama picture for how it looked late Friday afternoon.

Remember when you build your fence, these are big dogs that need space. They are a working dog breed and may make good pets, but they may need a job to do. You and your beautiful gal are their "pack" and don't be surprised if they guard you. I'm guessing they are half grown now? Are they leash trained? They will need socializing, that means loading them in the back seat and taking them for a ride. I have found Tractor Supply to be a great excursion for my dogs. While I want them to guard my sheep, I don't want snarling, vicious dogs that bite people. So off to TSC we go, they get to spend time on the dog food and toy aisle and they enjoy it. I allow people to pet them and it goes a long way to socialize them. It sure makes it easier to take them to the vet. Loading up a 100+ pound unwilling dog ain't for the faint of heart. :lol:

Good grief! I have tried to socialize the dogs, but I guess I have not tried hard enough. So far they have not become hostile/aggressive toward us or other people. Instead, they are full of energy. Whenever we have let the dogs out together to try to play with them, i.e., pet them to get them to calm down, while petting on one of them, the other decides that giving me sugar in the form of licks to the face is what I want. The dog I am trying to hold is wiggling like crazy, trying to get loose.

I failed to mention it at the time, but when I picked up Max from the vet after having him neutered, as we were walking to the truck I had him on a short leash. He was so excited to be free, he decided to circle around me from the right, around in front of me, then around behind me. Despite my pulling on the leash as hard as I could, Max still encircled me and then the leash tightened around my legs to where I could not walk. Then I lost my balance and fell backward onto the sidewalk. Fortunately I wasn't hurt. Max decided to give me sugar. I started laughing at the silliness of it. But that is typical of how my efforts at socializing the dogs has gone.

I know the dogs are full of energy and currently have no way of getting that energy out of their system. I had hoped once that they were spayed/neutered that by letting them run loose that they would work off that energy and then be calm here at our home. Now I am learning that I need to pen them up for their own good and the good of the neighbors. Treasa recommended that I exercise the dogs by have them chase the Gator while we drive all over our pastures. I may try that to see how it works out. I will probably need to have them on leashes so that they won't run off.

Senile Texas Aggie


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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
So glad that things are looking up for James and his family. I am sure that they really did appreciate you and your wife being there for emotional support and general help.
Glad you got home before the "white" set in!!!! We got about 3 inches here early Sat morning (this morning) and although the forecast and all was right... still is a shock to see everything covered over white again. It is only early March so not out of the question... but I liked those 50 and 60 days and sun.... I am ready for SPRING....


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Hey that stuff looks like SNOW!! Good time to burn your brush pile.

Neutered or not those dogs are still little kids. Little kids have unbounded energy. We old people don't remember that far back. Yep, you'll need to get them some good running to use up the energy.

They make leashes that attach to the dog's muzzle so when they pull they end up turning back. Not sure if that would have kept Max from tying you up though. He did a better job than Maxwell Smart could have ever accomplished! I'm glad you weren't hurt.

Glad you were able to help James and Treasa out, how's he doing now?