That is super weird. I could see it being a hormonal thing.
I've never seen ringworm in goats, (but they do get it) but in cats, it does cause hair loss and crusty patches. A neat way to test for it is to put them under a black light. Ringworm will glow in the dark, it's a bright green/blue. I'm not certain if other fungal infections would do the same or not.
I can't really tell if her hair has grown any or not.
She's back to eating normal, milk production's back up, and she's acting 'normal'. (She quit eating / production went down some after I shaved her / started using the Witches Brew.)
I plan to take a pic this week and compare the pics to see if I can tell any difference. Looking at her 10 times a day, I'm not sure I'd notice a difference.
Yeah, I was about to suggest to take a picture every week to see how she's progressing. Sometimes it is really hard to tell a difference unless you have pictures to compare.
Just to chime in. I bought a herd of 7 mini nubian field goats recently and one of the does started to loose like all her hair about a week after giving birth. Otherwise FINE. Food intake, temp, eye color, normal. Just going bald. Her baby is now about 6 weeks old and I'm starting to see new hair coming in. I did supplement with copper and Bose about 10 days ago. Never got a positive mite test but we treated for that as well with ivermectin.
Update on Penny...Here's how she looked 2 wks ago.
Here she is today.
Her back is still thin where the chemical burn was, but there *is* improvement, I think....?
The round bare spots on her upper ribs on ea. side are from where I injected her w/ calcium over the barrel after she kidded in an effort to help her pass the placenta, at least that's the only thing we can think of to explain them.
I *love* her sweet face!
I've used Witch's Brew on her every other day, (Thanks for the suggestion, KSal) and been giving her zinc daily (Thanks, Kate).
Not sure what it is helping, but she looks better and that's what matters....and she's still giving 12# a day, to boot.
And Patch continues to look better every day, too.
I used to show, but we couldn't stand the politics of it all. We used to show chickens and goats.
I sell a lot of goats to people who show, and they don't embarrass us, at least.
Penny's udder's capacious / productive and I love her medial, but her teat placement and the shape of her udder aren't my favorite. A lot of that has to do w/ what she is (Ob)...they've come a long way with Oberhasli udders, though.
Penny looks great. I'm sure the combination is working for you.
The girls that I used witch's brew on for staph is completely healed up and so far not coming back. The two girls that I used Hibiclens on ended up getting it again so they are now getting the witches brew and it is clearing up fast.