Herd Master
I had a large cherry branch come down in the pasture yesterday, it had been hanging on the tree for awhile and the leaves were pretty dried up already. My ram and ponies who were in the pasture didn't bother it, it's a big pasture and plenty of other stuff to eat. I let the ewes in today thinking since the other ones hadn't touched it they wouldn't either till I could get it out (big mistake I know now...), and they found it and started eating the dried leaves, I got them away from it as fast as I could with some corn and put them back in their pasture, I can't tell exactly how much they ate.
I called the emergency vet my sheep vet refers to, and he was really nice, but he said they don't keep the antidote on hand because they see so few cases of it, and said the symptoms usually come on pretty fast, and said if the leaves weren't freshly wilted they're not as toxic. It's been over two hours now and they're still acting ok, but I'm still worried. Has anyone had sheep eat cherry leaves and show symptoms and if so, how fast? Or eat some and still be ok?
Edited to add: 3 hours now and they still seem ok...
I called the emergency vet my sheep vet refers to, and he was really nice, but he said they don't keep the antidote on hand because they see so few cases of it, and said the symptoms usually come on pretty fast, and said if the leaves weren't freshly wilted they're not as toxic. It's been over two hours now and they're still acting ok, but I'm still worried. Has anyone had sheep eat cherry leaves and show symptoms and if so, how fast? Or eat some and still be ok?
Edited to add: 3 hours now and they still seem ok...