
Just born
Dec 13, 2024
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I’ve had one of my ewes exhibiting some sick-like behaviors. It’s my first year with my flock of 7. (3 lambs, 3 ewes and one ram.) We got our ram early in October, he was in by Oct 17 and marked 2/3 of my ewes right away. Didn’t remark them after that.

Around 11/23, one of my ewes was slower to come in from the pasture (unusual) and I felt like she was acting funny. Separated her, and noticed she spent a lot of time laying down, around eyes looked a bit crusty, she coughed a few times and didn’t eat for a couple of days. I noticed some clear discharge from her rear. When she was peeing, I thought I saw a yellow quarter ish sized blob come out. Called the vet, her fecal came back fine, had us treat with Excede and banamine. Within a few days she started to eat again and seem like herself again, for the most part. After a few days, I noticed that her eyes looked cloudy. One had a little white blob of crud in the corner of it. After a few days, they looked more clear. She’s started pulling her wool a bit now as well… What could be going on with her? I’ve read a bit about pink eye? Curious if you feel like she may have aborted? Anyone have similar experiences to this? How long to keep her separated from the rest of the flock? She’s been out with the ram and the other two ewes, but I’m nervous where they’re likely pregnant too to send her back out with them. Any advice, direction or thoughts would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Eye initially

Eye today, about a week later


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I honestly don't know, the blob/discharge is not normal for pinkeye but the cloudiness in the 2nd pic is.
I would go on and treat her for pinkeye... if she has already aborted, there is naturally nothing you can do although she could have a uterine infection????

Pinkeye treatment is oxytet (like LA200 or 300) subq... OR.... since she seems to have a very bad "glaze" over the eye... I would go with Draxxin... the oxytet will burn when given under the skin.. so Draxxin has less reaction from them. Excede does not seem to work on pinkeye that I have been aware of.

Also, if you have any access to either TODAY or TOMORROW mastitis treatment... an udder infusion to use in any lactating animal to put up into their teat... use it on the eye. It does NOT sting or irritate... if it did, you would never be able to use it up in the mammary teat canal on a cow or anything... It will coat the eye with an antibiotic and soothes the eye tissue... Squirt a little under the eyelid so that when they blink it will coat the eye... they don't like it but it doesn't hurt... and will soothe the inflamed tissues also. (it is like using a pinkeye salve from the vet in a dog or cat's eye). Just a small squirt... it is not going to hurt to use too much.. just waste a little... It is no longer over the counter, but some places still have some old stock left that they can sell off. Either is fine... we use whichever we can get... the tomorrow is supposed to be longer acting for drying off cows.... the today is for actively milking cows... EITHER works.

The Draxxin shot can be repeated in 3-5 days... but only 1 followup... the today/tomorrow in the eye can be done like every other/third day... NORMALLY... we would get the calves in and treat... then retreat in 3-5 days... using both draxxin and today/tomorrow at that time... Sometimes we have used oxytet, if not real bad.... then if a 2nd treatment is needed, we will use the draxxin if no real improvement...

All these are available from the vet... sadly, they have taken away so many of the tools we used because so many will OVER USE antibiotics... so that now, those who have experience, and are judicious in the use, have to jump through the hoops to get them to use. Luckily, a good vet relationship will allow them to "give/sell" us a bottle of a drug to keep in the fridge to not have to call and get a specific syringe full every time we have a problem... and I often do phone consults because we regularly use a vet for preg checks and things, so have established a working relationship with them over the years.


Chillin' with the herd
Dec 13, 2024
Reaction score
I’ve had one of my ewes exhibiting some sick-like behaviors. It’s my first year with my flock of 7. (3 lambs, 3 ewes and one ram.) We got our ram early in October, he was in by Oct 17 and marked 2/3 of my ewes right away. Didn’t remark them after that.

Around 11/23, one of my ewes was slower to come in from the pasture (unusual) and I felt like she was acting funny. Separated her, and noticed she spent a lot of time laying down, around eyes looked a bit crusty, she coughed a few times and didn’t eat for a couple of days. I noticed some clear discharge from her rear. When she was peeing, I thought I saw a yellow quarter ish sized blob come out. Called the vet, her fecal came back fine, had us treat with Excede and banamine. Within a few days she started to eat again and seem like herself again, for the most part. After a few days, I noticed that her eyes looked cloudy. One had a little white blob of crud in the corner of it. After a few days, they looked more clear. She’s started pulling her wool a bit now as well… What could be going on with her? I’ve read a bit about pink eye? Curious if you feel like she may have aborted? Anyone have similar experiences to this? How long to keep her separated from the rest of the flock? She’s been out with the ram and the other two ewes, but I’m nervous where they’re likely pregnant too to send her back out with them. Any advice, direction or thoughts would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
View attachment 113556
Eye initially

View attachment 113557Eye today, about a week later
The pee thing can happen with male sheep with their testicals still intact. Idk about femanin sheep. I have also seen the eye thing in a cow before. It is a sign of old age and eye sight going out. Idk if it is the same on sheep. U should put this under urgent issues. I have seen cows go blind in a matter of days from something like this. You should also call a vet immediately.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I will disagree about the eye situation being a sign of old age in an animal... the majority of pinkeye cases are in calves... we seldom have it in mature cattle... although not unheard of... I would say that pinkeye will show up 10 to 1 in calves over mature cattle...
Yes cattle can get bad eyes, and in older cattle it is usually more of a "cataract" type situation... But sudden clouding over has nothing to do with age and 95% of the time is due to either an injury, or to pinkeye. I have never seen it in our sheep.
We had a mature cow... only about 4 years old, get a very bad case of pinkeye and she wound up with a totally blue eye and is blind on that side... She also was one that jumped over/through 2 gates to get out of the pen and so did not get treated for 2 days because we could not get close enough to even shoot her with a dart gun to treat her... she was a bought cow, and very high strung. She raises a pretty good calf so has gotten to stay here... but we are very careful to NOT ever bring her in the pen alone, and to make sure she has another cow to follow up the chute for any vaccinations and for pregnancy checks... But that is the exception rather than the norm.