Herd Master
Any of you have that problem? My wife says she doesn't like sheep milk because it smells like a sheep. I can't really find anything online about that so I figured I'd ask here. Anyone else have that problem?
I also don't have sheep, but apparently the reason for not a lot of sheep being milked in the US is that we predominantly drink cow milk and sheep don't typically produce as much milk as goats do, so if someone wants something other than cow milk they go to goat milk.So I don't have sheep.
But this seems interesting to me that you can milk sheep for milk.
Do people do this in the US much?
I found some videos on youtube where there are large scale sheep milking farms in Europe. It seemed very fascinating to me. And people say the milk is very creamy and rich tasting. (I don't know if they are right or not.) It makes me wonder why people don't do this more here.
Are you chilling it before you give it to her? That might cut some of the smell.
And you could try to trick the wife by giving her some store bought milk and see if she still thinks it smells sheepy.
And another option is to put chocolate in the milk. It shouldn't smell then. And this might be fun to try anyway!