True BYH Addict
Would it be a good idea for me to get a few sheep to help us comply with fire safety regulations? We have 3 1/4 acres, maybe 2 1/2 of those need mowing in the spring (Sonoma County). So far I have always done as much as I could myself, with a scythe, to compost and then called in some help with weed eaters to finish up the rest once it gets too dry to make worthwhile compost. I love mowing, but it is a big job and hiring mowers is expensive. I have found myself dreaming about getting some mowing help and it seems sheep might be best for our purposes. Do you think this might be a good idea? ( I am thinking about a coulle or three babydolls maybe) Or will the sheep end up being more work and miney than what we have now? One thing I would really like is for some animal to eat these &@$#% foxtail grasses, burclover and storckbill before they start making seeds - they are such a pain with our farm dog! Thank you!!!!