Loving the herd life
So one ewe was sounding kinda snotty. She was squinting one eye a few days ago and worried about injury but resolved. Today she sounds even more nasal and went and saw and appeared she had somewhat clogged nostrils. Removed some larger chunks of what looked like black debris and easily removed. Some went up the nostrils and was able to manually remove some (what a good ewe she is!-my favorite actually). Looked at others and appears another 2 have somewhat similar nose clogging/crust. sounding like a congested kid lightly. All ewes are on pasture with some hay and loose mineral in barn. This is new since I've.added loose mineral I don't know if the loose debris got in their noses or should I worry about fly bot? Something else? Eating well energy overall good. No other noticable changes. I have not dewormed this season and was considering ivermectin or deworming but wanted some advice prior. With that being said is it ok to give imermectin SQ? I always have orally but with some tougher ones does anyone give it sq? I got best photos I could @Baymule @farmerjan @Ridgetop @SageHill @Mini Horses
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