We have three one year old sheep (2 ewes and 1 ram) that we currently have penned in a portable fence that we move each day to fresh pasture. If my son is lazy about moving them they hop the fence and roam the pasture, but then they hop the hot wire fence that we have around the whole pasture for the pigs to stay in. They have now found where the grain is for the pigs and feed for chickens and are getting out all the time. What solutions can you offer to get them to stay where they belong? Our hot wire fence is only 2 strands (which originally was enough cause we only had pigs) and we have talked about adding another strand but I don't know if that will even be enough! They are just about to go to the butcher because it is taking up so much of our time each day chasing them down and putting them away and to top it off I am 31 weeks prego...I'm tired of chasing after them!!! Thanks for any help or advice you can offer.