Took some pictures today. I might take more tomorrow.
When I woke up this morning the whole bottom of the right hand side of their field was iced over. Then it started to snow, we got maybe 1/4 to 1/2 an inch. It's supposed to snow more I think.
Miss Ali
Ali's Baby Bump
Ciqala's Baby Bump
One month to go!!
What's left of the grass
Hank with lambs fighting in the background
And some more...
Playfully pushing their heads together
The ewes
Sheep hoof print thru the dusting of snow on a layer of ice
I agree...cutest photo of them all, although I love all the photos Soon Sheepgirl...not too much longer to wait, although it feels like forever I know!!!!
You should submit that photo to POW...although they just picked a sheep photo.
I didn't get any pictures today, but I did get Hank's shelter completely set up. It's 4x4 and it's a nice comfy lil space for him. Except I wasn't thinking when we were building it so the back wall is also 4' long (as opposed to 41" like it's supposed to be) so the piece of plywood for the roof didn't fit, because the shelter is now 4'x4'7" But that's okay because we have an extra piece of plywood. It got dark/cold so my mom & I called it quits and will be doing it sometime this of my great uncle passed away 3 hrs ago so the day of his funeral we will probably finish it then :/
Instead of penning Hank up, I probably will just let him roam around the field. I will still probably give him 1-2 lbs of hay a day, rather than 3, like he would've gotten if he was penned up. I keep procrastinating with putting up the fence because it's just so darn cold out but I just need to suck it up and go put up the wire lol. My Hanky is getting rough with the ewes, especially when they're all munching on hay, and I don't want him to hurt the lambs when they're born.
And IDK if I posted this already, but I'm thinking Lady Gaga and Katy Perry's mom is actually Ali, not Ciqala. Ciqala must've only had the twins that died and my neighbor must've confused my ewes lol. BUT I think it's pretty cool they were bred on the same date AND they lambed on the same date! Anyway, I went to a date duration calculator and apparently from Jan 3 to May 25 is 143 days, SO if they lamb 143 days from when they were bred we could have lambs as early as Feb 27 & Mar 5 rather than Mar 3 & Mar 9!! How cool is that?!
I think you mentioned before there was some confusion on the part of your neighbor with Ali and Ciqala and who's lambs were who. But now I'm even more confused! So Ciqala's twins died, right? So you need to keep an extra eye on here I suppose.
So lambing is just a few short weeks away for you!
My neighbor went out one morning and saw my ewe lambing. He called my mom and told her that my old ewe lambed. My mom came to pick me up from school and when I got home, I went to the barn. There were two white ewe lambs running around <3 Because my mom had told me that my neighbor had told her it was my old ewe, I proceeded to pen up the lambs and Ciqala. Ciqala's a great mother, but I still wanted them penned up so I could easily catch them and love on them lol. I stayed there for about an hour or so, and then my family (visiting from NC) and I went to Harper's Ferry, WV to go walk around and go on the bridge. Later that day (probably around 5 or 6 or so) in the pen with Ciqala were an additional two lambs, both ewes, one black one white. The white lamb was stillborn and the black one was having muscle tremors. The black one lasted about a day or two and then we took her to the vet to be put down. So I'm not sure if it's genetic (Ciqala's other daughter, Lily, was bred by Billy--her maternal half brother--and gave birth to a stillborn lamb...Ciqala was bred by her son and she had two boys--one turned out normal and the other had those weird muscle tremors.) or if there was a nutritional deficiency.
The other two times Ciqala was bred by an outcross ram there were no issues so I'm hoping everything turns out alright
And I know!! It's like less than four weeks away now!!