SheepGirl's Journal - Photos of the sheep 4/25


Herd Master
Jul 2, 2010
Reaction score
Northeast Mississippi
None of my business...but my vote is rig up the back of the Expedition for Billie...and don't sell Paulie!!!!! He is just the cutest sheep face ever...but...not my business I know :hide


Loving the herd life
Jan 11, 2012
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bonbean01 said:
None of my business...but my vote is rig up the back of the Expedition for Billie...and don't sell Paulie!!!!! He is just the cutest sheep face ever...but...not my business I know :hide


Lost in the flock
May 23, 2011
Reaction score
Yay for cute farmer boys.....I didn't miss that. I hat to say but selling Paulie would probably be a better decision in the long run. He won't produce anything for your program but memories and enjoyment. Selling him could also enable you to get another ewe......but I'm being hypocritical I'ld keep a two legged,one eyed,mean weather if I liked him enough....or you know if he was cute I'ld keep him then too


Herd Master
Jul 2, 2010
Reaction score
Northeast Mississippi
LOL are as bad as me!!! Still have a sweet 3 year old ewe yet to have a lamb...gave her shots from the vet this winter...had her alone with the ram for several she should look very preggo, but doesn't...but I keep telling myself that maybe she is and that she is not just getting chunky, but deep down I don't think she ever will have a lamb...hope I'm wrong. They there is another 2 year old ewe that looks pitiful ---was a runt and still is and yet I keep thinking maybe she will grow this summer??? They are sweethearts, but not very practical to keep least they all have 4 legs :lol:


Master of Sheep
Golden Herd Member
Jul 15, 2011
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
I put in an application on Thursday at Petsmart and I drove down on Friday with my mom to put in an application at the vet office aggieterpkatie told me about. But last night I got a call from Petsmart and I wasn't home, so I called them back this morning and I have a job interview tomorrow. :celebrate I hope it all goes well!

So this past weekend we were supposed to have family visit, but instead we went to Virgina Beach to visit them. So we left Saturday morning at 7:30 and we didn't get there until 1:30 :barnie A six hour car ride which should've only taken 3-4 hours. Anyway, my mom and I drove down separately since my car has a blown gasket and the radiator needs to be replaced. My uncle's a mechanic so he will fix it up for us. But when we got there on Saturday, we drove through Smithfield and I saw a truck with hogs on it pulling into the packing plant and I was like "I had your cousin for breakfast this morning!" and my city slicker aunt was just like "ewww" :p But we went to Isle of Wight and we went to the ham museum (they have the oldest & largest ham there) and then we walked around the shops there. We had lunch at this little ice cream shop/deli and I had a delicious Smithfield country ham sandwich.

On Sunday, TBH, I can't remember what we did. I keep trying to remember, but it keeps comin' up blank. We did leave Sunday night and we spent the night in a Williamsburg hotel and on Monday we went to Busch Gardens. (Note: If anybody has somebody in the military in their family, you can get into Busch Gardens for free once per year...that's how we're able to go every summer.) I had to ride pretty much all the roller coasters myself since my family consists of a bunch of wimps. lol. BUT I was able to get my mom to go on the new roller coaster they just built...Verbolten. It was awesome. And then we waited in line for 45 minutes for the Loch Ness Monster because someone puked on the ride so they had to clean it all up. My mom was going to ride it with me but she chickened out.

Anyway we got home last night around 9. My brother (he didn't come along on our 'vacation' mom was PO'd to say the least and still isn't talking to him) told me on Saturday Paulie and Katy Perry escaped and then on Monday all my sheep escaped. Luckily when I got home my sheep were all still in the pens and they laid plywood, ladders, and more cinder blocks up against both of the 'gates' where the fence is weak to prevent them from coming out. My mom was talking to my uncle on the phone last night and she said we're probably going to put the fence up in mid-August and my uncle wants to help, so he'll probably be coming up from North Carolina. So that's exciting.

okay...I think I covered everything I wanted to share about this weekend lol.


I was going to take Billy (and maybe Paulie) to auction today but my car is being fixed so my mom can't take it to leave the expedition for me (sheep have to be at auction by 5:30). So I don't know what I'm going to do with him. I did get an email from somebody (I put Billy on CL) so we'll see what happens. I think I listed him for $250, but I'd be glad to get rid of him for $100. If this person is interested in buying him after the info I sent, then I will let them negotiate the price with me ;) I also contacted a Texel breeder about buying or leasing a ram, and he has a ram available so we'll see where that goes. I want to get rid of Billy before I get a new ram in.


Master of Sheep
Golden Herd Member
Jul 15, 2011
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland


I forgot to mention--I came back last night and I went out to check on my sheep and feed them and my gosh, the lamb's faces got so fluffy! I don't know what happened in the 72 hours I had last seen them. But Lady Gaga has such a pretty face on her. Something about the white wool/hair around her eyes and the dark mouse brown on her nose. I just love her pretty face! And her chin is so soft. Both lambs have high-set ears...I don't mind high set ears, just not on Southdown or Southdown cross lambs! lol.


Master of Sheep
Golden Herd Member
Jul 15, 2011
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
I just heard Billy bleating...he's a pretty quiet sheep so I looked outside and OMG my ewes were out! I spent close to a half hour trying to lead them back in their pens with grain. By then I was hot and tired so I was like screw this and I chased them. It got them back in their pens in less than five minutes :lol: You know, I should stop wasting my time trying to lead them back in the pens (aka being "nice") because it never works. Chasing them (aka being "mean") is what works. Ciqala was about to run through a gap between me and the shed but I stomped my feet and she did not want to deal with me so she ran right into the pen with everybody else.

They apparently broke through my brother's blockade. It took me about a half hour to re-build it but what I did is I tied some wire around the fence and the T-post, then I tied a cinder block to the T post resting on part of the fence with baling twine and I still have the other cinder block tied to the fence. Then I put plywood in front of the gate so the sheep can't go through it and it's being held up by a step-in post. Then I laid the other piece of plywood up against the fence and I stuck the T-post through a ladder so that way if they get past the plywood and they try to knock the ladder down they can't because it's attached to the T-post.

I will get a picture of it so you guys can see just how much is used to try to keep the sheep in lol. I just hope it holds up :fl


New Member
Aug 8, 2011
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Good luck with your interview. :fl I have an application in with out local Petsmart. I wish I could get a job there or even TSC (got an application in there too). It's been a while since I put the applications in though. I think either place would be neat to work at. I hope your blockade works and keeps your sheep in and you can sell Billy and get a new ram who is nicer to you. :fl


Master of Sheep
Golden Herd Member
Jul 15, 2011
Reaction score
Frederick, Maryland
Well I think my interview went pretty good. My interviewer said that he will give my application to the store manager and I would probably have a second interview later this week or early next week. So I hope that's a good sign :fl

So far my blockade is working :D I keep forgetting to take a picture of it though lol. I'll do that tomorrow morning when I go out to feed.

I think I'm getting a texel ram. I will sell Billy (and probably Paulie :() at auction and then use that money to pay for the ram's lease (I just emailed the breeder about prices, so IDK what they are yet).

My mom was talking and she said we are probably getting a solid-floored car trailer in lieu of getting a pick-up truck so 1) my dad can haul his Galaxie when it gets fixed up for drag racing; 2) we can haul stuff we would otherwise haul in our truck; and 3) so I can haul my sheep (like aggie did for her hog :p) and hay.

Tuesday afternoon my cousin randomly showed up and she didn't leave until 9 am this morning :lol: But it's okay because I love her to death. She dressed me and did my hair and makeup for my interview (like I couldn't do it myself :p) and then we went out to lunch to Applebee's after the interview. Then last night she, my mom, my grandmother, and I went to go put my grandparent's dog down :( His name was Buster and he was 16...he was really losing it, just like my dog Pepper, before we put him down. (We put him down in May 2011 at the age of 16 years and 4 months...he and Buster 'grew up' together.) :(

Oh did I mention we are putting our fence up in about two weeks? okay yes I did, but I'm so excited lol. BUT...that's if my uncle is coming up...he already said he would be more than happy to, but he still needs to get the days off. :weee I don't know when we're building our barn lol but I hope it will be soon after we put the fence up.