my dad the man who said I couldn't use any heating in my rabbit shack bought my buck a heat lamp. I'm house sitting and he is taking care of the rabbits for me and I guess he decided Mr.Scott looked cold his cage is on the bottom and a little more drafty then the doe cages.
in other news the babies are doing well keeping warm with their heating pad and light! Roo is such a good mama she really takes good care of her babies.
this morning I had to cull a two of the kits they were completely blind from their eye lashes folding inward They just weren't thriving and I couldn't justify getting them to grow out weights. My buck may be sold and I have feelers out for a new one so hopefully I sell him first I just don't have cage space for another rabbit. Luckily I don't have a ton of demand for rabbit yet so if I can't breed for a while it will be ok. In happier news I loaned some of my rabbits to a local photographer and she is paying me $10 per photo shoot for easter pictures so far she has had 12 spots filled and we had a practice shoot on monday with my nephew the bunnies were so good I can't wait for the next one!
So last night I sprained my ankle so bad that I am on crutches I knew exactly what I had done before I hit the floor I did the same thing 7 years ago. I wouldn't mind so much but I have so much to do at work and both my jobs are physically demanding. I work at a garden center and we are getting in spring inventory and I teach martial arts. My dad is taking care of the rabbits since I can't walk on my foot for about a week. I was supposed to separate kits this week too but I guess they will just have to hang with mom another week. He of course is over feeding everyone and has put yet another heater in the shed.
I am doing much better @jodief100 thanks for asking. I can walk without too much discomfort now but it isn't a fast healing injury and I have to take it easy for a while I just don't Like to sit still that much lol.
I can't believe I haven't posted since Easter. Oops guess I have been busy summer the garden center is crazy and since fall hit I have been going and going. I tested for my next belt and passed and I even got in a vacation which brings me to my story. I feel like a total dork. I bred Roo on the first then went out of town last week, I told my dad just to feed the rabbits and I would put her nest box in when I got back, so that's what I did. A week early lol. She did make a really nice nest but I took it out yesterday and I'll put it back Thursday. She is so fat I can hardly believe it hope she has lots of babies in there for me!