Should I raise a cow for fair?


Lost in the flock
May 23, 2011
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Kacey I definitely wouldn't raise a beef steer in a dairy club. They show differently than dairy. Angus tend to be more temperamental than Herefords.


Exploring the pasture
Feb 12, 2012
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WildRoseBeef said:
kacey142 said:
:):)Hi, Im new to this website I didnt know if i should raise a calf . Right now i have 9 goats and im in a 4-club. Im looking for a pet steer, eventually i know i will have to sell it but should i start of with a black angus calf? I know it willl be a lot different then 9 goats but i wanted to try a new species of animal. Im in a dairy club so i will learn about dairy cow . What kind of cow should i start with? I did round robin last year and i showed a dairy cow and thought it was pretty cool. It was really small and nice.
Black Angus cattle are BEEF cattle, not dairy. If you want a dairy calf, go Jersey, Holstein, Brown Swiss, Ayrshire, Guernsey, or any other breed that has dairy characteristics and is bred for dairy, not beef.

But if you want to switch to beef cattle, go Hereford or Red Poll or even Galloway, but stay away from them crazy Angus unless you know what you are looking for in terms of temperament (which I doubt you offense). Also stay the heck away from Charolais, Limousin, Maine Anjou and Saler cattle.
i have to disagree with some of that, my parents raise Limousin cows and they are the sweetest things in the world, but that could just be our herd. (they have no training on them at all, they just come up to you right away when they are little and decide that they can stand you being around them lol) :D i am thinking about taking one of our calves and showing it next year. :)


Range nerd & bovine enthusiast
Feb 1, 2009
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Alberta, Canada
LimoGirl said:
WildRoseBeef said:
kacey142 said:
Hi, Im new to this website I didnt know if i should raise a calf . Right now i have 9 goats and im in a 4-club. Im looking for a pet steer, eventually i know i will have to sell it but should i start of with a black angus calf? I know it willl be a lot different then 9 goats but i wanted to try a new species of animal. Im in a dairy club so i will learn about dairy cow . What kind of cow should i start with? I did round robin last year and i showed a dairy cow and thought it was pretty cool. It was really small and nice.
Black Angus cattle are BEEF cattle, not dairy. If you want a dairy calf, go Jersey, Holstein, Brown Swiss, Ayrshire, Guernsey, or any other breed that has dairy characteristics and is bred for dairy, not beef.

But if you want to switch to beef cattle, go Hereford or Red Poll or even Galloway, but stay away from them crazy Angus unless you know what you are looking for in terms of temperament (which I doubt you offense). Also stay the heck away from Charolais, Limousin, Maine Anjou and Saler cattle.
i have to disagree with some of that, my parents raise Limousin cows and they are the sweetest things in the world, but that could just be our herd. (they have no training on them at all, they just come up to you right away when they are little and decide that they can stand you being around them lol) :D i am thinking about taking one of our calves and showing it next year. :)
That's because your parents are VERY strict about keeping nutty cows , heifers and bulls. If you've ever seen the EPDs of Limousin cattle you'll notice there's a Docility rating there. That's because quite a number of Limousins, with exception to your folks' cattle, are nervous, high-strung and aggressive. I've had to help do BBSE's on a few Limousin bulls and they were as crazy has he!!, definitely not the type of animals I'd recommend to a newbie, and not a breed to go into unless they're willing to do A LOT of research and asking around for some animals as nice and docile as yours.

I've heard the same story from a member about their Charolais cattle on here or another forum how they disagreed with me about Charolais being crazy SOB's because their parent's or uncle's herd were really docile and calm and all that, same stuff you're saying here. They didn't realize until I pointed out that it was because the owner is obviously really strict and stringent on culling out the flighty, high-strung and aggressive cows, heifers and bulls, and steering the bulls that are nut-jobs themselves. Trust me, I've seen some and handled some crazy Charolais AND Limousin steers we've had in our stocker/backgrounding herd!

So same crap different pile. :)

Oh, and :welcome don't let the bluntness from my post discourage you from posting more on here. :)


Exploring the pasture
Feb 12, 2012
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oh, oops, i thought that all limousin cows are like mine, and yes my parents say they sell the ones that are a little more mean and breed the nice ones, they say that they are trying to breed out the bad characteristics as well as getting a great looking cow (my parents explain this to me 10 min. ago lol, i thought that they were the same as the rest but, my fault :p )


Range nerd & bovine enthusiast
Feb 1, 2009
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Alberta, Canada
LimoGirl said:
oh, oops, i thought that all limousin cows are like mine, and yes my parents say they sell the ones that are a little more mean and breed the nice ones, they say that they are trying to breed out the bad characteristics as well as getting a great looking cow (my parents explain this to me 10 min. ago lol, i thought that they were the same as the rest but, my fault :p )
It's no big deal, we all live and learn. :)

Royd Wood

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Feb 5, 2010
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Ontario Canada
LimoGirl said:
oh, oops, i thought that all limousin cows are like mine, and yes my parents say they sell the ones that are a little more mean and breed the nice ones, they say that they are trying to breed out the bad characteristics as well as getting a great looking cow (my parents explain this to me 10 min. ago lol, i thought that they were the same as the rest but, my fault :p )
Great to hear some are still doing it right. I have a cow that even though she is halter trained and a good looker she can be a nasty snotty bitchh and will be culled along with her twin heifer yearlings who always start a fight with any cow who is near by. Won't miss any of them.


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Dec 8, 2010
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The thing with raising cattle is much like raising any other type of critter.

When they are young, teach them that they should respect you because you feed them, because you show them compassion and because you are bigger than them. WHen raised with a gentle and firm hand, they will never realize when they get bigger than you!

Get yourself a calf, and raise it. Stiff with an easy breed to begin with. My father in law has Herefords, they are OK. I have a jersey/angus and an angus. The Jersey/angus is a big baby, I can lead her by her ear even with a calf on her side. The angus.........well, she is a snot and will either go to slaughter market or my freezer.