We just finished building the second part to it. It is two different 4x8 sections joined together but with a wall in-between. I plan to add a taller roof to the flat topped section.
Front section, is open to all goats in the pen:
Side to show how it is connected:
Back part of the kidding pen, can be separated into two stalls if needed. It also has a close-able, lock-able door so we can keep mama with her babies.
Awesome backdoor to attatch to pen idea.
I'm thinking of doind simlar back door come next fall.
I wanna do back door to a hoop house barn thingy for over winter.
I got front on my shed today and did some painting.
Then made pallet coral.
Gotta paint more and nail palletsmore but almost done
Your goat area is coming along well. It's cute! We are probably going to paint not do siding on ours. He was going to do something to make it look nicer than just painted but I don't remember what he called it.
I use a simple pole construction for all of my animal buildings. Also, galvanized tin roofing for simplicity and I like the look.
I try to size in such a way as to minimize cutting and waste. The shelter costs me about $150 with all new material and I can building in a day with minimal help from my wife.
We use a 3 sided shelter since we are in the South and do not have to worry about harshly cold weather. Always face the open side to the South and the closed side to the North since when it is cold the wind will be blowing form North.