Thank you to all that responded! My lamb died this afternoon. We wouldn't take the bottle so we put her and the mom in a pen so only she could nurse. She did. She nursed for quite a while then escaped out of the pen. We put her back in with her mom and had to run to my nieces birthday party. Gone about one hour with daytime temp to 50 and still had the heat lamp going in the jug she climbed in the food bowl where my son and I found her dead. He was very responsible about the whole thing. He said mom, "this is going to happen when you have animals. We tried everything we could." Pretty special coming from a 7 yr old. On a good note, while we were burying the lamb I noticed a heifer with two little legs sticking out. 15 minutes registered black angus bull calf!!
Amazing how wise children can be. We found a twin lying limp in the hay just after she was born - she probably suffocated while mom was delivering the second twin and we missed it so we couldn't help her. My husband tried really hard to revive the poor thing even though it was a hopeless cause. He finally stopped when my five year old patted his shoulder and said - "Daddy, I think the lamb is dead"