For the Love of Dirt
Ridin' The Range
My doe had her (and my) first litter last night, and of course she had to have them on the night of our first hard freeze! I came home from work at 4 this morning (I work nights) and saw the squirming mass of fur in her nest box, so they were born sometime between 10 last night and probably around 3, as they were good and dry, the little I saw of them. and they were thankfully all in the nest box. When I got up this evening I counted them, and she had at least nine, possibly 10, they were so squirmy and hard to count. I didn't expect them to be so speedy so young! They were all alive, so that I am thankful for, I just hope it stays that way! I didn't take any pictures, because it is so cold right now I don't feel comfortable removing them from the nest for too long. Maybe this weekend I can use the generator and temporarily run a heater in the shed so I can get a better look at them. My mom said that momma rabbit tried to bite her this morning, but the few times I've gone in her cage she's been fine with me.
What I am concerned about is the litter size and that my doe seems to have lost a lot of weight while pregnant. Her backbone and ribs are more prominent than they were before, you can't see them, but when you run you hand down her back you can easily feel them. She had drastically slowed down eating almost a week before giving birth, had pretty much completely gone off pellets, and occasionally munched on hay. Is there anything that I can give her besides pellets and hay to help bulk her back up? Unfortunately I was never able to find a second doe to breed at the same time, so I can't graft any to another doe, and I'm concerned that the size of litter, which if I recall correctly is on the large side, and her weight loss may not make a good combo.
Edit: Her pellets are New Country Organics, and she is fed mostly Timothy hay, but also currently has access to orchard grass, which I gave her for her nesting material because usually she won't eat orchard hay, and I couldn't find any good straw near me.
What I am concerned about is the litter size and that my doe seems to have lost a lot of weight while pregnant. Her backbone and ribs are more prominent than they were before, you can't see them, but when you run you hand down her back you can easily feel them. She had drastically slowed down eating almost a week before giving birth, had pretty much completely gone off pellets, and occasionally munched on hay. Is there anything that I can give her besides pellets and hay to help bulk her back up? Unfortunately I was never able to find a second doe to breed at the same time, so I can't graft any to another doe, and I'm concerned that the size of litter, which if I recall correctly is on the large side, and her weight loss may not make a good combo.
Edit: Her pellets are New Country Organics, and she is fed mostly Timothy hay, but also currently has access to orchard grass, which I gave her for her nesting material because usually she won't eat orchard hay, and I couldn't find any good straw near me.
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