This is my ewe about 20 hours before she lambed. She had a 7.8 lb ram, a 6.8 lb ewe, and a 5.8 lb ewe.
She doesn't look as wide as she had just a day or two before, her teats got larger, and her vulva got pink and swollen.
I was hoping she would have triplets due to her size, but I was only expecting twins because she had last lambed with twins May 25, 2012. She surprised me with triplets March 7, 2013. She is due again for February 13, 2014 lambs.
Boykin...I would have been thinking quads!!!! Sheepgirl, she hid those triplets big time!!! Our flashy little one is a ram...had it been a ewe, would be keeping her just for that colouring. He's nursing up a storm and jumping around for fun...way too cute!!!!! First one with those colours for us here
Bonbean OMG that is a cute lamb!
I'd love it if Wendy had a black lamb I think they're just the cutest things!
Though unlikely, there is still hope!
(you might have to take more pictures)
Compared to last week, Wendy has gotten wider.
This morning Wendy had an itch on her face and tried to scratch it with her back foot.
Unfortunately she was too wide and could not reach her face with said foot XD
Boy can she still run though :/ When there is grain to be had in the barn SHE IS THERE.
Her belly had dropped lower to the ground since Christmas.
She's getting there and soon you'll have a baby lamb to cuddle! Will try to post another lambie far we only have one, but have another ewe up tonight as she is getting closer.