Ridin' The Range
My more buckling is 25 days old and weighs 22 lbs. Is that a pretty nice size buckling? He's a lot bigger than my other three kids.
What is in your creep feed? I am just starting to raise the boers and your growth rates seem to be way about what my friends in CA are getting. I would like to take some lessons from you20kidsonhill said:Hello:
Sorry no one answered this for you.
You would expect a Boer Buckling to weigh around 8 to 10 lbs at birth and have at least .35 daily gain on a first time mom raising a set of twins. and .45 on a doe that is has kidded 2 or more times. So if you take .45 x 25 days = 11.25 lbs plus birth weight (8lbs) would equal 19.25 lbs.
You said you kid weighs 22 lbs at 25 days of age, so if he weighed 8 lbs at birth then he has gained 14 lbs so far in 25 days. 14 divided by 25 equals .56 lbs per day gain. That is pretty good gain.
You would expect a doe raising a single to have better gain on that single than a doe raising twins or triplets.
I expect my does to beable to raise a set of twins at .45 minimum daily gain by the time they are 3 years old or they are culled. I really am looking for at least .50 to .55 daily gain on a set of twins. .6 on a single.
I never purchase a herd sire that does not have at least a .6 daily gain and from a set of twins. Growth rate is affected by several things but it is very genetic.
The last buckling I purchased was a twin and dam raised and 60lbs at 11 weeks of age. That is exactly what I am looking for in growth rate.
My kids are on creepfeed starting at 2 to 3 weeks of age, so that isn't pasture only gains.
People (not pointing fingers) like to be critical of those of us that creep feed but what most seem to not realize is no matter how much feed you put in front of a baby goat they will only consume so much and no matter how much they eat they will only grow to their genetic potential. You can't force slow growing genetics to grow faster by feeding more.Straw Hat Kikos said:Yeah some major creep feeding there. lol
How often we weigh ours depends on where mom & baby are located. Obviously the kids born in the barn with the scale get weighed more often then kids located elsewhere. At a minimum kids are weighed at birth and weaning.mdavenport0121 said:How often do you weigh your kids? I may have to get a more precise scale.