I found a few older does for sale. They are 8hours away though. I'm not entirely sure the average lifespan and productive years of a goat but I like the last one listed. What do you guys think? http://www.rudugastsideal.com/goats/GoatForSale.htm
Then there is someone closer to me with a la mancha x nigerian dwarf listing in their kidding schedule for june and want $100 for the kids. I was thinking of emailing them and reserving a doeling if they end up having one and noone has reserved yet.
Then in another year or 2 when I have a little more money hopefully I will get a registered nigerian buck and doe and have mostly nigerians with one la mancha cross. I may be looking for someone to provide stud service on the 2 does I buy this year for the next year or 2 though.
100 for the lamancha x nigerian sounds good! I bet they are cute. i would go with that! 8 hours is a long trip for a goat. But that's totally your call. Keep us posted
You are too far away for me, to bad. We could get you set up with a starter flock for a lot less than most. That is only because we are not going to stay with the small milkers. We are loving the Oberhasli breed and are getting lots of milk. We have multiple Nigerians, one registered doe, the rest are unregisterd. We have not advertised them yet because we are not sure who we want to sell them to. The Nigerian breed is good for small quantities of milk, but it takes me the same amout of time to get 6 oz from a Nigerian as it does to get 32 oz from an Ober. (about 15 min.)
If you want little milk and would like them as pets I like my pygmy goats people say you can't get much milk from them but I do, of course we use a human breast pump works quite well actually
dont want to offend you, but you are not going to get registered, show quality goats of any breed for $100 - 200. Crossbreds yes.
$500 is a very reasonable price to pay for a reg'd show quality goat.
My most recent purchase was $800 ... and she is cheap compared to some others who have ranged between $1000 and $1500. And I know people who regularly sell does for $2K
What goats are you buying? I've found lots of pure registered nigerian kids listed for $300-$400. Retired or extra does slightly less. I'm not looking for something that much cheaper just on the very cheap end of registered stock. Also many of the registered mini dairy breeds that are a cross between nigerians and other dairy breeds that I've found are slightly cheaper than pure nigerians. Unfortunately none seem to be near me and the person with the first generation crosses never responded.
I'm not the least bit interested in show quality of any kind. Having shown horses and then dogs for many years the show ring and practices surrounding it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Most of the best animals I've known and the best breeders and trainers of any animal never saw a show ring. Many of the worst animals and worst breeders, trainers, and handlers I've known won in the show ring.