Loving the herd life
Sable is my 6 week old LaMancha doeling. She had a urinary tract infection 2 weeks ago and as a side affect, had a small tumor over where her umbilical cord had been. Antibiotics cleared both up. She's been standing hunched over the last few days lately. When I went to bottle feed her this evening, I noticed that the lump is now golf-ball sized and soft. Again, it is over her navel. When she had the UTI, the vet said to put a warm compress over the area, but by the time I get out to the barn, the warm cloth is always cold, so I just never tried after the first few attempts. I'll be on the phone with the vet tomorrow.
Anyone have an idea what this is?
She's also eating and drinking water, although she doesn't want to take the bottle. I did let her nurse on her mom for a bit before I milked Clover (her mom) this evening.
Anyone have an idea what this is?
She's also eating and drinking water, although she doesn't want to take the bottle. I did let her nurse on her mom for a bit before I milked Clover (her mom) this evening.