Somebody has been letting my animals loose at night!


True BYH Addict
Jul 10, 2009
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aggieterpkatie said:
In fact, I was thinking of starting a thread asking if a LGD would get bored with just a handful of animals on small acreage. I would feel much better if I had a big dog out there protecting from people.
Depends on the dog. When Ivan was younger, he'd get bored and decide to chase goats occasionally.. We could have opened up more acreage or gotten more goats, but I don't think it would have changed his attitude any because the goats have never been "his job," so far as he's concerned. He just kinda hangs out and barks at stuff, and when he gets really mad, the goats know to come to him. If there were no goats out there at all, I don't think he'd have been any more or less bored -- he just wouldn't have had anything to chase. Now that he's older and has a companion LGD upon which to expend excess energy, he's not fooled with chasing any livestock in ages.

Mischa, on the other hand, is very goat-oriented. She follows them around everywhere.. I'm not sure she'd get bored with just a few goats either, though, because she just kinda hangs back and follows.. If it's two or twenty, she's just gonna find a good uphill vantage point, lay down, and let them do their thing.. When they move out of sight, she'll find a new vantage point and continue watching.

If I had to choose one of the two for protecting small numbers of animals on small acreage against nefarious two-legged critters, I'd definitely pick Ivan...he's mostly OK with lounging around all day and he's *definitely* not a fan of strange people.


Exploring the pasture
Mar 17, 2010
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freemotion said:
Ooo, memories! My brother hooked up the fencer to the door handle of the barn one day when I was working inside....boy, was I mad!!!

That is a great idea, Bee, in this situation! :lol:



Loving the herd life
Aug 17, 2009
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This make me mad too and its not my animals! This type of thing infuriates me.

My LGD only has a herd of ten goats to watch and two horses on the other side of the fence. He's usually on patrol when he's flat out on his side basking in the sun.

Please keep us posted as to how this all progresses and if you catch the perpetrator!


Overrun with beasties
Sep 26, 2008
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SW ONT, Canada
Do you have any hunting friends who might have a motion sensor camera you could borrow? The baby monitor is a good idea too. i am not a big fan of locks. Also, I would be compelled to sleep in the barn with a paintball gun and shoot first ask questions later.


True BYH Addict
Jul 10, 2009
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miss_thenorth said:
Also, I would be compelled to sleep in the barn with a paintball gun and shoot first ask questions later.
Yeah! I like that idea! :weee


Loving the herd life
Jan 1, 2010
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I'm not a big fan of sleeping in the barn for weeks at a time hoping they'll come back lol. The gates are chain link gates with the normal latch that goes with those, but we put a chain with a double ended snap around each one too because we do have a gate-opening doe. She would not be able to open the chick stall though, I don't think any animal short of a bear or a gorilla could open that, it's heavy and the latch sticks. And I don't know why she would open all the pens, not just hers. Thankfully the goats did not get into the chicken feed bin, it is just sitting outside the coop, they could have easily eaten themselves to death on that. The pens are all locked now when no one is home or at night, we got padlocks that all have the same key. I looked at a motion detector alarm today but couldn't figure out a way to set it up that it would not be constantly set off by wildlife or our own animals walking past it.

No one else I know in the neighborhood has had problems, but they also have big dogs. I really wish I could get a dog, I know a lady who has two LGDs and said I could take either for free (Pyrenees females), it's just a matter of being able to pay for upkeep, plus managing the dog with a dog-hating goat...I think if it lives outside and doesn't cost them anything, my in-laws would be able to be convinced I should have one here. I'm home alone a few nights a week these days and I think I'd feel better with a big scary looking dog around. We do have guns in the house, but I am not comfortable enough with them to use them.

Emmetts Dairy

Loving the herd life
Jul 25, 2010
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New Hampshire
That is just terrible....I would definately inform the police as well just so you have it on record. In case you need it . God forbid something else happens. Im glad none of your animals were hurt...and no fire occured. That could of been disaterous :(

I would be waiting...and not with a paintball gun....!!! :somad :th
That agressive buck would of been the least of their worries If I ran into the freaks messing around with my animals and property. Some lines you just dont cross. :rant

Its not even a funny prank? Hey I have an idea...put some liqud blue kote on the gate at night and if they come in and its still wet!! Busted.... then check all the kids within should be on em for days!! Or something on the ground near the BEAR TRAPS!!! They wont be running anywhere!!!

That makes me soo upset... Im so sorry that happened to you guys! I hope you get some answers soon...


Herd Master
Aug 3, 2008
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mountains of WV
aggieterpkatie said:
This makes me so mad and it's not even my animals!! :somad I really wish I lived closer so I could hide out in your yard and help you catch the bad guys. :lol:

Please keep us updated! I live pretty close to the main road and I always worry about people messing with the animals!! In fact, I was thinking of starting a thread asking if a LGD would get bored with just a handful of animals on small acreage. I would feel much better if I had a big dog out there protecting from people. I don't worry too much about dogs and we very rarely have coyotes in this area.

My hubby and I were just thinking about getting a cheap camera so we can monitor the driveway.
Mine don't. They get to patrol each night and sleep a lot in the day. They are pretty vigilant and the Great Pyr/Lab mix does the barking at minor things while the Lab/ BC mix only barks at the really dangerous things.

I've not had any four-legged predators that lived past the perimeter fence. :D

The people who live around here do not know what cream puffs towards humans that they are and are very intimidated by their presence in my yard. I had to call the electric guy and assure him that their electric boundary could not reach down by the meter...he was trying to read the meter by using binoculars from across the road! :lol:


Overrun with beasties
Aug 30, 2009
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I would be highly annoyed if I had to unlock my goat gate or chicken gate doors with a key or such each and every time I went through, or the gate at the entrance to my property even. I hope that you find it was someone playing a halloween joke in poor taste....and I was wondering if something non human could have done this, meaning a goat or such? My goats are very good at opening gates themselves especially if they are not well latched.
I would make a police report if you are positive some human did this. It might follow a weird pattern in your neighborhood, you never know, it could be a clue to catch the person for the police and you never would know if you don't report it. Also if something happens down the road you have a record of it. Perhaps there has been no harm so far, but that could just be lucky.
It also seems that motion sensitive lights would be money well spent at the moment, if you can afford some. Ours tell us when to check outside, that something is prowling around our house, we love them.


The Shepherd
Oct 23, 2009
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Beekissed said:
aggieterpkatie said:
This makes me so mad and it's not even my animals!! :somad I really wish I lived closer so I could hide out in your yard and help you catch the bad guys. :lol:

Please keep us updated! I live pretty close to the main road and I always worry about people messing with the animals!! In fact, I was thinking of starting a thread asking if a LGD would get bored with just a handful of animals on small acreage. I would feel much better if I had a big dog out there protecting from people. I don't worry too much about dogs and we very rarely have coyotes in this area.

My hubby and I were just thinking about getting a cheap camera so we can monitor the driveway.
Mine don't. They get to patrol each night and sleep a lot in the day. They are pretty vigilant and the Great Pyr/Lab mix does the barking at minor things while the Lab/ BC mix only barks at the really dangerous things.

I've not had any four-legged predators that lived past the perimeter fence. :D

The people who live around here do not know what cream puffs towards humans that they are and are very intimidated by their presence in my yard. I had to call the electric guy and assure him that their electric boundary could not reach down by the meter...he was trying to read the meter by using binoculars from across the road! :lol:
Thanks for the input, Bee! You and I have about the same amount of acreage. I really would love to get one. I'll have to keep an eye out and then try to convince hubby we need a fourth dog. :D