Sadly @Bossroo I believe you are right. The neighbors we have met so far were glad when this bunch left the neighborhood. We have a lot more clean up to do, trying to pick up as we go. I just don't understand how anybody can be so FILTHY McNASTY!
All the junk here is from the 40's, 50's, 60's,70's mostly. No one was going to travel 30 miles to dump trash at a landfill.
In our area I think it was because it was so rural people had to bury their stuff.... IDK.... The land we are on is part of an old family land parcel.... there use to be a dairy through the way... barn burned down years ago but the brick foundation is still there. The old road is there too where they'd come get the milk. There are some neat finds though on occasion.
Hubby says up North (WAYYYYY up North) people would dump there stuff too, they were more thoughtful though... they'd dig massive pits dump their garbage and when filled cover it.
I even found a beat up hot tub in the treeline by the house when I started to trim out the undergrowth. I have a quarter acre pit where someone tried to build a pond but this limestone shelf is so porous a pond isn't going to happen. I have a small mountain of stone that will be going into that since I never want to see the junk again.
Just reading this makes me feel much better. We've cleaned up/picked up/used up so much junk that was scattered throughout our little 5 acres just since April. And there is still more to clean up. And that's not mentioning the two huge piles of junk that was someone's idea of cleaning up that we intentionally didn't mow or let the goats around because we didn't want it in sight. Now the grass is dying. We also found the big hold they dug and dumped big chunks of concrete into but never filled in. (Note to self: Always do a head count of the grandchildren.) It makes me mad and sad, but on the other hand we've found all sorts of great scrap lumber, a hundred foot water hose, hundred foot extension cord and lots of good usable stuff that we wouldn't have had if they had properly hauled stuff to the landfill. Mixed blessing I suppose.
Lol - I almost think we should all start a junk thread. When we moved to our place a couple of years ago, we found the usual scrap wood and fencing - some of the fencing actually came in handy (a couple of heavy duty cattle panels), and we also discovered a large pile of bricks and landscaping rock (also useful). There was a rusted out mini-trailer with flat tires - the kind that goes behind a ride-on lawn mower- that was in the middle of the pasture and it was full of HUNDREDS of very long nails that didn't seem to have any purpose. I'm not aware of anything in our barn or pasture that requires 6 inch nails. We were also gifted with a broken basketball hoop/pole, over 120 golf balls, and an extremely large downed telephone pole. The golf balls we re-gifted to a friend who wanted to practice putting, and the telephone pole is something we plan to work with.
Good luck on your new place, Mike! It sounds like it's really coming along.
We got the first snow of the year overnight. Still have some light flurries. Nothing sticking though. I am with you on the cold, grew up in Phoenix. There we put long johns on if it got below 60. Up side was, we never had worm issues with the goats. Or fleas and ticks on the dogs.